
Sand Land Anime Movie: Plot, Release Date, Cast Revealed

Anime Movie adaptation of Akira Toriyama’s Sand Land will premiere on August 18.

Sand Land
Sand Land

On April 3 2023, The official Twitter account for Sand Land released a new trailer for the upcoming Sand Land anime film.

The anime was revealed to be a mixed-project CGI anime film adaptation co-produced by Anima, Sunrise, and Kamikaze Douga.

The film is scheduled to release on August 18, 2023. The movie is based on Akira Toriyama’s (Author of Dragon Ball) manga with the same name. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from May 2000 to August 2000.

The cast for the Movie are as follows:

  • Mutsumi Tamura is voicing Beelzebub
  • Kazuhiro Yamaji is voicing Rao
  • Cho is voicing Thief
  • Kitoshi Tsuruoka is voicing General Are
  • Nobuo Tobita is voicing General Zeu

Toshihisa Yokoshima is directing the film and Hiroshi Koujina is the direction adviser. Hayashi Mori is doing the script.

Yoshikazu Iwanami is supervising the sound and Yugo Kanno is making the music for the film.

Synopsis of Sand Land:

In a desert world where both demons and humans suffer from an extreme water shortage, Beelzebub, the prince of demons, and Rao, a small-town sheriff, form a tag team and set off on an adventure searching for the Phantom Lake somewhere in the desert.

Source: Official Twitter account