Naruto: The Ultimate Madara Uchiha Quiz Is Here! Harsh S 3 Oct 2023 NARUTO © 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto/SHUEISHA Inc. 0 votes, 0 avg 36 Created by Harsh S Naruto: The Ultimate Madara Uchiha Quiz Is Here! Do you consider yourself to be a huge Naruto fan? Let's see how you do in this ultimate Madara Uchiha Quiz! 1. What is adult Madara's height? 182 cm 174 cm 179 cm 176 cm 2. What is adult Madara's weight? 71. 3 kg 74.7 kg 84.6 kg 80.2 kg 3. What Madara's father's name? Tajima Uchiha Izuma Uchiha Izuna Uchiha Makurama Uchiha 4. What was Madara's heigh when he met Hashirama? 143.5 cm 140.2 cm 154.7 cm 150 cm 5. What is Madara's hobby? Falconry Kunai practice Fighting Throwing stones in water 6. What is Madara's favourite food? Roe Salmon Sushi Dumplings Inarizushi 7. What is Madara's least favourite food? Dumplings Salmon Sushi Roe Inarizushi Your score is The average score is 40% Restart quiz 300*600