

We meet the second of the four Enchanted Blade users and he is awesome!

samura kagurabachi
u/The_total_squid x KAGURABACHI © 2023 by Takeru Hokazono/SHUEISHA Inc.

In the previous chapter, we witness Hiruhiko try to kill Uruha and Chihiro helps Uruha and Hakuri escape, declaring that he will break the equilibrium between the Hishaku and the Kamunabi.

Chapter 50 is titled, “Counterattack”

The chapter begins Chihiro telling Hakuri that the Enchanted Blades protected the country during the Seitei War but if the Hishaku acquire the blades, then it would lead to an irreversible calamity.

Chihiro recalls Kunishige saying that he is not the hero Shiba props him up to be but instead, those that he had faith in, referring to the Enchanted Blade wielders.

Recalling his father’s words of having faith motivates Chihiro in the present to believe that none of his comrades will die.

While heading for the Temple of Senkutsu, one of the four Sanso locations, Uruha and Hakari talk about how Chihiro can now fight Hiruhiko’s forces with his heart’s content without them getting in the way.

Hakuri notes that there should be a pick-up from the Senkutsu.

Somewhere else, a woman paints with a rather large pen.

A man appears, informing her that the Kokogoku has been destroyed.

The woman calmly says that what must be done is to preserve Uruha and the others’ lives.

As it turns out, the woman is drawing an ornate seal in front of what appears to be a train.

Uruha and Hakuri arrive, with Uruha identifying the pair as Masei’s, implying that they are twins or siblings.

Uruha realizes what the female Masei is drawing, a telportation circle.

Uruha looks forward to meeting the former wielder in the Temple, Samura.

The male Masei tells Uruha that they should “fly” now and so they all step in, causing them to vanish in a blot of ink.

They arrive at the Temple of Senkutsu in Nara Prefecture: Furuyama

The blind swordsman, whose face we saw in Chapter 18, sees a Buddhist monk chanting in front of a massive Buddha statue.

Somewhere in the Temple area, the Masei’s discuss the plan to transport the Enchanted Blades to the Temple

The blind swordsman, Samura, gets close to Hakuri’s face and greets him but is annoyed that Hakuri’s face is in front of him and begins moving him away.

Samura wonders who Hakuri is as he has the scent of Chihiro.

Apparently, Samura has met Chihiro when the latter was a child.

Uruha tells Samura that Hakuri is the one who will bring them the Enchanted Blades and is surprised that Samura knows Chihiro personally.

Samura clarifies that he does not know, just like Uruha and the others, as after the war, they all lost contact.

Hakuri recalls a flashback where Chihiro tells him that he has already met Samura.

Shiba would often take the young Chihiro outside since no one knew that Kunishige had a son, which leads into another flashback of kid Chihiro and Shiba walking at a marketplace, where Samura spots them.

Samura grabs Shiba’s face, which is his way of recognizing people and Shiba does not appreciate it.

Samura was always around for nostalgia and he has not seen Shiba in the 10 years since the Enchanted Blade users were left by Kunishige.

Samura mentions how he was able to track Shiba and Chihiro through Rokuhira’s scent, which makes Chihiro realizes that his senses have been heightened in exchange for losing his eyesight.

Shiba introduces Chihiro to the blind swordsman, who is surprised that Kunishige still has time to have a family.

Chihiro mentions that Kunishige has told him about Samura and the Enchanted Blade people, whom Kunishige calls his heroes but Samura insists that Kunishige is his hero and grabs Chihiro’s face for recognition purposes.

In the present, Sorcerers prepare to use their Datenseki and the monk from earlier notifies Samura about the approaching enemy.

Hakuri tells Samura that Chihiro anticipated the arrival of the Hishaku sorcerers, which impresses Samura and he asks what Chihiro is doing at the moment.

Before Hakuri can answer, the monk rings the steel bowl again, which vibrates, likely indicating the presence of the enemy.

The female Masei suggests that Hakuri get to safety since she was informed that his powers take a few days to awaken.

The female Masei has Hakuri lie on a table that is on top of a teleportation circle to undergo the “safety procedure” that would hasten the recharge of Hakuri’s Storehouse ability.

Hakuri is concerned that they will not have enough security against the incoming attack but Uruha assures him that the security in the Temple is several times stronger than the Kokugoku Hot Springs where Uruha was.

However, it is not because of numbers but because of how strong Samura is.

The first Masei points out that she is a sorcerer so she is capable of protecting them.

Back to Hiruhiko vs. Chihiro, we see Hiruhiko asking Chihiro if it was a good idea to shoo away Uruha and Hakuri since they could have helped him against the Hishaku sorcerer.

Hiruhiko notices that there is no one else with an Enchanted Blade that could protect the two and since there are two former wielders bunched up together, this makes them an attractive target for a massacre, much to Hiruhiko’s excitement.

Back to the Temple, Uruha tells Hakuri that the reason Chihiro left them is because the Temple of Senkutsu is impenetrable and informs Samura that Chihiro will bring them information on the Hishaku.

The chapter ends as Samura looks forward to the reunion while the Masei reminds Samura that Hakuri’s Storehouse ability will return in around 30 minutes.

Chapter 51 will be released on September 30, 2024.