
Tenkyu is in Jail! Sakamoto Days Chapter 185 Spoilers!

Tenkyu makes a proper appearance in the JAA Jail.

tenkyu sakamoto days
SAKAMOTO DAYS © 2020 by Yuto Suzuki/SHUEISHA Inc.

In the previous Sakamoto Days chapter, Shin uses his telepathy to mess with a control room to defeat Jo Shackles.

Day 185 is titled, “Hunter”.

Boiled, Shin and Heisuke ride on an elevator headed for B2, guided by the now defeated guard Jo Shackles, who is the only one with access to the elevator.

With Boiled placing a gun behind Jo’s head, Jo Shackles is forced to comply to the trio’s wishes to head to the lower levels.

Boiled chooses to help the two boys because he admired their hardboiledness.

When asked about the place, Jo tells the boys that B2 is a giant maze.

When the elevator door opens, Shin and Heisuke are stunned that B2 resembles the outside world with a bright sky and even birds flying.

Jo explains that this place used to be an ordinary prison but the prisoners worked to modify the place and are still continually working on it, such that no one knows the exact number of rooms, prisoners or guards there are on this level.

Boiled has heard of a rumor that there is a supermarket, movie theater, sauna, hospital and even a funeral home, making it out to be like some sort of mini-city.

Boiled stops by the entrance, hoping that the boys make it out alive since the prisoners in B2 are quite tough.

They open the door and finds themselves in a room that looks like a desert.

The pair find someone lying in the sand with a newspaper on his face.

The naked man with the eyepatch rises up to greet Heisuke and Shin, apologizing for the sloppy first impression.

Although he does not say it here, he is Tenkyu.

Seeing the man naked made Heisuke think someone stole his clothes but in reality,Tenkyu was wearing none.

The eyepatch man brings up someone with fortune telling powers in the lowest level.

Shin wonders what Tenkyu wants from the fortune teller and he replies, saying that he wants to know how to make up with a friend.

A likely story but Shin senses Tenkyu is not lying.

Suddenly, quicksand forms below their feet to swallow them up. From Shin’s left, three figures welcome the three men to the “Antlion Hell Room”

They call themselves the “Antlion Hell Brothers”, which Tenkyu identifies as the thieves who stole his package, which one of the brothers holds and complains about its tight wrappings and weight.

The eyepatch man seems to value the package and asks Shin to help them get it so they can get out of this trap.

One of the brothers tries to shoot them down but Shin telepathically commands him to drop the package, which unfurls into a heavy bow.

Tenkyu fires at the brother from before and leaves a massive hole on his body.

The man in glasses witnesses this and tries to avenge his brother but Tenkyu fires straight through his head, showing how an arrow can pierce objects better than a bullet.

The last brother strikes with a sword but is shocked that it could not cut the bowstring.

Tenyku suddenly sneaks up from behind to shoot the man at point-blank range, terrifying Shin and Heisuke.

Tenkyu introduces himself and notes that Shin and Heisuke might get along with him just fine..

Sakamoto Days Chapter 186 will be released on October 21, 2024.