EVIL PRINCE LOKI IS THE TRUE SUN GOD? One Piece Chapter 1130 Full Spoilers!
Elbaph is a magnificent paradise on top of the Tree of Life itself! And Loki might be the most badass, most evil villain we have ever encountered

In the previous One Piece chapter, it is revealed that the fake Sun God is actually Road of the New Giant Warrior Pirates and Luffy uses a partial Gear 4 Transformation to escape Road’s diorama and head into Elbaph.
Here are the full chapter spoilers courtesy of Pewpiece
Chapter 1130 is titled, “The Cursed Prince”
The chapter has 15 pages, which is quite short.
Volume 17 of the “Oni Child Yamato’s Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage” shows Yamato napping with Otama while a silhouetted figure stealing the late Yasuie’s sword
The chapter begins on the Giant Warrior Pirates ship where the non-Alabasta Straw Hats were on.
Franky tells the Giants that they would like to stop searching as even Jinbe’s sharks could not find anything so the best option is for them to trust in their crewmates.
The Giants agree and they continue on their journey to Elbaph.
There will definitely be a highlight of the Straw Hats fully reuniting.
We then cut to Luffy’s road, having escaped Road’s diorama and they realize that they were inside an even bigger castle, which also looks like the Lego Castles in Road’s diorama.
This means that Lego blocks are a common material in these parts.
However, the land around them has real snow and real forests.
The castle they were on has a long bridge connected to a huge tree branch up in the sky, indicating that all Giants live in branches of Yggdrasil.
This is similar to the fable version of Giants who live atop the clouds in their own castles.
Nami is getting dizzy from the scale of everything.
As they travel, the Straw Hats suddenly see someone crossing the bridge and hide.
Two people came, Goldberg and Gerd from the New Giant Warrior Pirates led by Hajrudin.
Next to Gerd is “Piper”, her giant owl.
Gerd is frustrated that Hajrudin let such a weirdo (Road) join their crew.
Goldberg explains that Road is just that good as a navigator but Gerd hates him as he is a greater “shame of Elbaph than Loki is”.
This has many implications.
First, the Prince Loki who was supposed to marry Lola, Big Mom’s daughter, is actually not even respected in his own country.
We will find out why soon.
Second, Road, as an otaku, is treated as a “greater shame to Elbaph”.
Road holds pride in the Giant’s warrior culture yet he is a shut-in who wants to play God in his own room.
This could be Oda’s way of showing that there is nothing inherently wrong with being an otaku, as evidenced by Luffy’s remark in Chapter 1129 about not wanting to destroy Road’s hard work in the diorama.
The problem with this line of thinking is that Road kidnapped humans to be his dolls, enslaved and hypnotized them into thinking the diorama is the real world and has even allowed them to be food for his gigantic pets.
This creates the implication that otaku also have inherent god complexes and that their creativity is not a good thing to encourage if they have those complexes.
I do hope Oda addresses this and either make Road hard to redeem or have Road understand the dignity of the humans he has kidnapped or show that his creativity can be channeled another way.
Gerd and Goldberg enter the castle since Piper saw Road’s crow Muginn carried a ship off.
Trespassing is illegal in Elbaph and Road has a habit of taking nearby ships and claims them as trespassers so he can lock them up in his castle.
Gerd remarks that if she sees Road kidnap someone again, she will report this to Jarul, the elder from Big Mom’s flashback who is around 408 years old at this point.
Hearing the trespassing law, Nami tells everyone to remain hidden.
Now this is a good conflict for Elbaph as even if Road and Loki are outliers in their society, the rest of Giant society will not take kindly to seeing human pirates trespass in their domain and disturb their peace.
As Goldberg and Gerd knock on the castle door to call for Road, the Straw Hat crew run across the bridge and leave the area.
Below the bridge is a forest and many giant wolves but on the way down, Luffy stops as he has been feeling something for a while,
Luffy notes that he heard “scream” from someone so powerful that he feels it tingling his entire body.
Sanji says he will stay with the group and stops Zoro from going with Luffy, considering that Zoro always gets lost, especially in a massive forest like in Elbaph.
Luffy tells the others to go ahead and so he jumps down from the bridge to the forest below.
We return to the Elbaph ship where the News Coo delivers the morning news from the World Economic Journal, “Big News” Morgans’ paper, and one of the news reads that the Giant Warrior Pirates attacked Egghead Island.
Having heard the news being read out to them, Brogy calls out the lies about the Giant Warriors Pirates being the attackers during the Egghead Incident and notes that as a Giant, he cannot read what is on the newspaper due to the print being small, obviously.
Robin reads out for them. The paper states that the “Giant Warrior Pirates have awakened after their 100 year slumber and have joined forces with Yonkou Straw Hat Luffy to set Egghead aflame.”
Both captains of the “Giant Warrior Pirates”, “Brogy the Red Orge” and “Dorry the Blue Orge”, are also issued a 1.8 billion Berries bounty on EACH of their heads!
This means the Giant Warrior Pirates currently have a confirmed total of 3.6 billion berries to their name, making them just as infamous as a Yonkou crew.
Dorry clarifies that they had no intention to return.
The Giants remark that their bosses used to only have a much smaller bounty of 100 million Berries.
Robin points out that there has been quite a bit of inflation that has happened between a century ago and now.
FINALLY, someone points out the inflation in-story. Thank you, Eiichiro Oda!
Nonetheless, Robin remarks that these bounties are fitting for the leaders of the Elbaph Warrior Pirates.
The newspaper also reports that Luffy is the one who killed Vegapunk and once more, Morgans prints out Luffy’s Gear 5 form.
It seems the Government cannot hide the truth now that Morgans intentionally provoked their ire with this captured image.
However, there is a chance that the Government could use Morgans’ reckless journalism to make Luffy, specifically Joyboy, look like the ultimate evil.
Then again, World Government trust has been waning since Vegapunk’s public broadcast and Cross Guild placing bounties on the Marines.
However, Robin spots something on the picture, an “X” on Luffy’s arm and asks verbally if this mark always appeared on Luffy when he becomes “the most free”.
Robin notes that even though Luffy’s shape always changes in this form, the mark remains clear as day and that she has seen it somewhere before.
Dorry expresses surprise that Luffy is now Shanks’ equal while Brogy remarks that Hajrudin is a Straw Hat subordinate.
Kashi notes that Hajrudin is still a “son of the king”. Wait what?
Hajrudin is Loki’s brother?
Maybe illegitimate, given the “still” part.
Hajrudin’s crew planned to join the Giant Warrior Pirates in fetching the Straw Hats from Egghead but apparently there has been a little bit of trouble in Elbaph lately, so only the seniors could go.
The Giants explain that while Dorry and Brogy were absent a century ago, Loki, (an official “son of the king), was born and considered an evil giant, such that he has been called “the Cursed Prince”.
That is because Loki murdered his own father, King Harald to claim a legendary Devil Fruit that has been passed down in the royal family.
Loki then ate the Devil Fruit but the Wariors of Elbaph managed to detain Loki.
Recently, Loki has made efforts to free himself and they need the strength of every warrior to restrain him.
Incredible. The giants were shown to be tough adversaries for even one of the devil form Gorosei but there is a singular giant who is stronger than EVERY SINGLE GIANT WARRIOR COMBINED??
We return to Luffy in an INCREDIBLY EPIC double page spread as he reaches a huge giant tied up in massive chains amidst snow.
This is Loki and unlike his silly, childlike silhouette, he is quite badass and provocative.
A thin, muscular giant with really long hair, with 2 braids in the front and goatee on the chin.
Loki seems to be wearing the regular Giant Warrior outfit but in his buckle’s belt there’s a Jolly Roger with a crown.
This could be his own crew of Giant Pirates.
He has some tattoos on his arms and wears a helmet with two black horns, which resembles the helmet worn by Loki from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Loki’s eyes are bandaged, which could imply that whatever Devil Fruit he ate not only gave him a massive power boost but also could have something to do with his eyes or vision, such that the Giants had to make the effort to conceal them tightly.
Loki’s appearance is basically a fusion of Kaido and Charlotte Katakuri, which doubles his iconic look.
Yep, Loki is the main antagonist of the Elbaph Arc and we are more than excited to see this demon in action.
When Loki talks, his tongue hangs out like Doflamingo’s and he asks for Luffy’s name.
When Luffy makes his usual introduction and mentions becoming King of the Pirates someday, Loki is surprised about there being a king.
Loki tells Luffy that this is “Warland” and that Elbaph has always devoted itself to war as the world’s most powerful nation.
The final double page spread is our full look at the environment of Elbaph and it is MAGNIFICENT.
Elbaph is a landscape of mountains with the colossal tree “Yggdrasil” in the center that is at least 12/13 times larger than the mountains.
Around the tree tops are many waterfalls pouring down from the giant tree.
“Yggdrasil” has a middle layer formed by its branches that surrounds its trunk, which could be where the giants live, given that we can see a majestic castle and village on it.
There are also some cannons facing outside.
Finallym we can see a huge sword piercing through the middle layer and seems to reach all the way to the ground.
A massive sword? This could be important for the arc’s endgame.
In the final panel of the chapter, Loki lets out a villainous smile, saying that he is “Loki, the Sun God who will bring the end of the world!!!”
Now we see the vision.
Oda presents Road as a “shame of Elbaph” due to his kidnapping of humans and ships that come close to Elbaph, which is a common offense in their land.
Now in this chapter, we meet Loki, the most evil criminal of Elbaph, who killed his own father to acquire his devil fruit.
Road is just a smaller Loki, a cosplayer of a Sun God and Loki could very well be his influence.
This is exciting.
There will be a TWO WEEK BREAK for Eiichiro Oda to conduct research and give newer, fresher ideas for the upcoming chapters.
One Piece Chapter 1131 will be released on November 11, 2024.