
Is Loki Innocent All Along? Is Shanks’ Evil Twin a Devil Fruit User? One Piece Chapter 1138 Hints!

Do we find Shamrock’s Devil Fruit here? Will we finally learn the truth behind Loki’s fate?

figarland shamrock one piece
ONE PIECE © 1997 by Eiichiro Oda/SHUEISHA Inc.

The previous One Piece chapter graced us with the full reveal of Shanks’ potential twin or clone, Figarland Shamrock, son of Gartling and a commander, not THE commander, of God’s Knights.

Will this chapter show us everything he is made of?

Reaction: Shock and Awe

This is the reaction towards the chapter, which shows that there is a twist in the narrative.

As we will see, the two hints point in that direction.

First Hint: Darkness and Ruin

This hint is quite complex as it shows what appears to be a flashback in the form of a mural showing the descent of darkness or evil figures over a kingdom and a ray of light at the end.

According to one comment, this gif is from the 2023 film, Ninoma, and this scene is from the twist where the Director is the one responsible for killing the Queen in the story, not Ballister, who has been vilified throughout the film as the assassin.

Loki’s Innocence, Another Villain

If we look at the context, the first hint suggests that Loki did not kill his father and that Jarul’s testimony was either wrong or mixed up in the chaos.

After all, Jarul did have a sword struck to his head, which could affect his memory of events. Plot convenient, it may seem but it does line up.

There are two takes from this: Either Loki is innocent and another Giant, possibly from the Heavenly World, is responsible.

Or that King Harald might be evil and that Loki was doing something right.

Second Hint: Cerberus

Of the two hints, the most telling would be this one, the Cerberus.

The previous chapter was very direct as the shamrock was literally the name of the Figarland we saw throughout the current arc.

Interpretations of Second Hint:

Blackbeard’s Devil Fruit Revealed

One of the most common angles for a Cerberus gif would be the involvement of Blackbeard, since his Jolly Roger features three skulls and many have noted that the Cerberus Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit could be why he is able to eat more than one Devil Fruits without dying.

However, most of the Elbaph Arc so far has been centered exclusively on Elbaph.

The last time we shifted POVs was when the Straw Hats were in Road’s diorama early in the arc.

Additionally, Catarina Devon and Jaygarcia Saturn’s comments on Blackbeard’s lineage suggest that his bloodline and unique body, rather than a Devil Fruit, are the likely means by which he was able to have both Yami Yami no Mi and the Gura Gura no Mi.

Shamrock, NOT Blackbeard has the Cerberus Fruit

Looks like longtime One Piece theorists might be disappointed if the chapter does reveal that Shamrock might actually hold a Cerberus Mythical Zoan fruit instead of Blackbeard.

The idea comes from the typical One Piece theorist method of arc setups.

Early in the Thriller Bark Arc, we see Luffy taking notice of the many skeletons around the area.

Soon after, they spot the Cerberus, which is actually the corpses of three dogs stitched up to resemble one.

This may mean we might see Cerberus, which seems to be that way.

It would add up with Shamrock since he is one of God’s Knights and what better Devil Fruit for a commander of the enforcers of the nightmarish Gorosei than something just like them, a demon.

The five Gorosei, including the late Jaygarcia Saturn, have Devil Fruits and abilities associated

The magic circles were used exclusively by the Gorosei in the Egghead Island Arc yet seeing Shamrock use them would make us think this is either a common technique or that someone sent them there.

In the Egghead Island Arc, we saw that Saturn was the means for the other four Gorosei to be transported into Egghead.

He also entered into Egghead from his ship through a magic circle and it was here that his Zoan form was first revealed.

However, with Shamrock, no such Devil Fruit usage was identified.

He and Gunko might have been teleported but there is a possibility that Shamrock has a Devil Fruit of a similar nature to the Gorosei, which would allow him to transport them or even a battalion of God’s Knights here.

Additionally, it would make sense for Shamrock to bear the fruit of the guardian of the gates of Hades, the Greek Underworld, as he and, by extension, Elbaph’s story, are the gateway to hell.

Loki’s Legendary Devil Fruit

Another but less likely take could be that this is where we see Loki’s Legendary Devil Fruit, the national treasure of Elbaph.

If it is indeed a Cerberus, we could have an oddity as there is no three-headed equivalent in Norse mythology.

We already have the giant wolf, which Gunko has slain.

Is there a connection between Loki and the wolf?

If Oda had a deeper idea behind Loki’s fruit, it could also represent the concept of a triple deity such as Hecate, which is where some scholars think the Christian Trinity could be inspired from.

Believe it or not.



We are getting four chapters in a row for the first time since 2022!