FULL SAMURA FLASHBACK!! Kagurabachi’s Most Emotional Chapter Yet! Kagurabachi Chapter 71 Spoilers!
This emotional Kagurabachi chapter reveals the full backstory of Iori’s life with Samura 9 years ago.

In the previous Kagurabachi chapter, Chihiro defeats Hiruhiko a second time after witnessing the precision of the awakened Iori Samura’s White Purity Iai
Kagurabachi Chapter 71 is titled, “Victory”
Editor’s note: “The memories of the sealed Iori..?”
We turn back to 9 years ago, to the life of an 8-year old Iori,.
This was close to 10 years after the Seitei War ended.
They were all in a hospital room as Iori’s mother, Inori, was resting.
Samura expresses worry about Inori’s sudden fainting but Inori tells Samura not to be so loud and assured him that Iori called the ambulance for her and is coming to get her.
As established in Chapter 61: “Night Warfare”, Inori and Samura are no longer together as she is called his ex-wife and they have been divorced for some time.
Samura also greets Iori, showing that this is one of Samura’s rare appearances.
Inori notes that there is no way the little girl would want to remember but either way, Inori introduces Samura as Iori’s father.
Since Inori still has to recover, she asks Samura to take care of Iori but Samura protests, saying she still has a little sister to look after.
However, Inori says that the sister is currently working for the Kamunabi.
Who would Samura’s sister be? Could she be the lady high-ranked leader among the Kamunabi?
We see a flashback of Samura’s bloodied hands grabbing Tobimune, which makes him say that his hands are not meant to hold a daughter.
Yet they are enough to use a sister as an excuse not to hold his own child?
Inori is frustrated by Samura’s excuses but he has no choice as Iori has no one left, so Samura takes Iori with him for a walk, with Samura sweating nervously.
They arrive at a dojo, where Samura introduces the men there to his daughter Iori, with one of the men bragging about how all the law enforcement in the town have learned swordsmanship under him, how Samura is an Enchanted Blade wielder and hero of the country.
Iori is annoyed by all the men bragging about Samura, recalling how, while seeing a son and his parents together, she used to ask her mother about her father.
Inori described Samura as the “worst”, a man who is constantly indecisive due to his guilty past with war and the constant neglect she experiences, the type of guy a girl should not be in love with.
In the present, Iori shouts at Samura for leaving her mother behind, with Samura only looking on nervously.
Iori returns to the hospital room and Inori tells Iori to bear with her father even for a moment while assuring her that she will recover from this disease.
Going back to the dojo, Iori practices with a kendo stick, closes her eyes and strikes at a pole but instead she gets hit on the head.
Samura checks on his daughter but Iori insists on training so she can stand on the same ground as her enemies.
Samura commends her thinking but mentally, he immediately guesses that he is her enemy.
Samura brings up his blindness and how his sense of smell and hearing are like that of a feral beast.
The little girl was about to curse with “crap” but mentally, she says it is cool, slowly admiring her father.
Iori rushes out to continue practicing, with Samura going after her and she has another bonk on the head.
At the hospital, Samura gets a slight scolding from the bedridden Inori, saying that since it is natural for Inori to get hurt, it is Samura’s responsibility to watch over her.
Iori gets a lightbulb idea.
They would have a cooking competition to see who will bring back Inori’s energy.
However, Samura is startled to see Iori close her eyes and to hold the knife with a reverse grip.
Iori justifies herself, saying that since this is a match, they have to make it equal, so she imitates Samura but it could also be out of subtle admiration for her cool father.
Samura then samples Iori’s food, with Iori beaming with pride over her work.
However, Samura is still puzzled by the concept, which Iori reveals to be a custom she and Inori did, which resulted in Iori being a good cook at 9 years old.
We then see a montage of the once estranged father and daughter bonding, with Iori joining Samura in grocery trips to buy ingredients, Iori still bumping her head during training, Samura being scolded by Inori in the hospital again, and eventually, Samura himself learns to make food together with Iori.
They eventually walk the streets, holding hands and we see from the back angle, unlike at the start of the chapter where they were seen facing forward but looking a bit more awkward.
The pair bring over a bento that Inori enjoys.
Seeing his ex-wife and his daughter smiling made Samura shed a tear and for the first time in the whole manga, we even get to see a smile from his face.
However…this was not meant to last.
After some time, Inori would pass away from the sickness.
Iori is seen contemplating alone on the porch.
Samura walks up to her and we see a flashback of Samura and Inori conversing by themselves as it implies that Inori’s condition is terminal but Samura praises her for lasting a whole year.
Inori was surprised that Samura was able to cook but Samura credits the guys at the dojo for teaching him.
Iori may have had a hand, though he probably took tips from the dojo students so he could prove himself to his daughter in their little competition.
Inori is impressed that within this one year, Samura has changed for sure and Samura also remarks that Iori is very cute, even though he is unable to even see her.
Samura says that even without sight, anyone can tell that Iori laughs like her.
Recalling how Iori once got mad over his choice to leave Inori, Samura apologizes to her for everything he had done.
In the present, we see Iori crying over the death of her mother while Samura remembers how Inori wished she could see Iori all grown up
Iori is crying her eyes out.
Samura hesitates his arm around her shoulder, then retracts it.
But in choosing to see Iori grow up in Inori’s place, Samura puts his arm around Iori, fully accepting his role as her father.
After this, Iori is sleeping in her bunny-coded bedroom, which has some drawings of her with Samura.
Samura wakes up to smoke and suddenly, Samura sees Yura enter the front gates.
Samura tells Yura to leave as he does not know someone like him but Yura says he is only here to talk “for the sake of the future”, Samura’s future in particular, about the “sin” he kept under a lid.
On the last panel of this page, we see the Sword Saint and the last page shows the destruction that is to come, which Yura predicts will come to pass in a few years.
Has this calamity already happened or will it happen in the current Kagurabachi story?
Will it happen when the Sword Saint is unleashed?
Is the Sword Saint the calamity himself, the sin that made the Seitei War so despised for Samura?
Considering how the mere tip of the Shinuchi wielded by Kyora, a non-wielder, required TWO Enchanted Blade-level fighters (Chihiro and Hiyuki) to contain, one swing might truly level a whole city and such destructive power could spell the end of Japan.
There will be a lot of juicy details to come soon
With Yura’s presence, will we witness even a glimpse into the planning of Kunishige’s assassination?
And will Samura, in the present, also regain his memories, perhaps even witness the horrors he was unable to say?
Author’s comment: “There’s a “flavored sugar” option at the Cafe Corner in a nearby Family Mart.. So good I dont know what to do with myself”
Kagurabachi Chapter 72 will be released on March 17, 2025.