Kizaru Fed Luffy on Egghead Island? One Piece SBS Volume 110 Explained
SBS Volume 110 is here and we learn about who fed Luffy in Egghead Island and the origin of the two newest Admirals of One Piece.

On October 30, 2024, we receive the translation of SBS Volume 110, which would come together with the One Piece manga volume to be released officially on November 1, 2024.
Credits to Pewpiece for sharing the SBS Volume information.
Yamato DID NOT AWAKEN the Devil Fruit
A reader asked what child Yamato’s Beast and Human-Beast forms would look like and Oda drew an illustration, showing that Yamato’s forms already had the smoky ribbons even when he was still a child.
Yamato’s fruit is the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami, which he ate out of hunger in Kaido’s dungeon, and it is notable for having the smoky ribbons or “heavenly garments” that were found among Awakened Zoans such as the Gorosei, Kaku, Lucci, and Luffy, albeit instead of white smoke, they are trails of cold air.
The floating, ribbon-like drapery in Awakened Zoans is called “tenne/ten’i” (heavenly garments) and are meant to represent divinity, which does fit with the Okuchi no Makami as it is the deified version of the extinct Japanese grey wolf.
Keep in mind that an Awakening happens when the Devil Fruit user’s mind and body catch up to their powers.
This could either mean that Yamato caught up almost immediately upon consuming the fruit or the cold trail is a generic trait of the Devil Fruit.
Longarm Elbows
Third question: The names of each elbow from the Longarm tribe have been revealed, lmao
— Pew (@pewpiece) October 29, 2024
A reader observes that the Longarm Tribe have two elbows per arm and asks if the Longarm tribe use any terms of endearment to refer to them.
To which Oda responds with, saying that the Longarm Tribe call the elbow closer to their hand the “Friend Elbow” while the one closer to their shoulder is the “Love Elbow”, which represents one’s emotional distance with their significant other.
Kizaru Fed Luffy
In Chapter 1103: “I’m Sorry, Daddy”, the first chapter released in 2024, we see Luffy scarfing down on some food after he had hit his limit in Chapter 1094.
A reader asked:
Oda responds in verbatim:
“In Chapter 1103, Luffy started to wolf down food. When Luffy said “Fooood—“, who was it that responded? Was it Sanji or Franky? Who was present near him? Kizaru And Sentoumaru were also there… Whoever Did It. Never Got Exposed, It Seems. That action had to be done in the “Speed Of Light”, that even the naked eye can’t see it. Hmmm… Even I don’t know who did it… the Speed Of Light…
This has actually been theorized ever since the chapter came out., as it is noted that Kizaru’s favorite food, ramen, was found on the far left side of the panel where Luffy was eating.
Who do you think brought Luffy the food, Kizaru or Caribou?🤔 The theory that Kizaru may have given Luffy food has become a hot topic in Japanese fandom, since Kizaru's favorite food (*Vivre Card), ramen, is secretly depicted on the far left side of the panel.
— sandman (@sandman_AP) January 6, 2024
This is yet another indicator of the conflict Kizaru is feeling and a silent rebellion towards his orders.
You could also see this as a masterful application of Kizaru’s Pika Pika no Mi, which would make him move at lightspeed, such that no character would notice how all of his food would pop in so close to Luffy.
However, another possibility is that Sanji did this since in Whole Cake Island, to save Chiffon, Sanji was able to move so fast that Pound and Charlotte Oven, one of Big Mom’s most powerful children and triplet brother of Katakuri, was not able to even perceive Sanji.
The anime would show this feat as if the rest of the world was frozen in place while Sanji was only one in color and able to act.
SWORD Information
Oda also provides profiles for the six members of SWORD.
To respond to a reader’s question about them, Oda notes that additional information about ages, heights, and profiles are usually reserved.
Drake (Former Rear Admiral)
Age: 33
Height: 233 cm
Rear Admiral Kujaku
Age: 26
Height: 160 cm
Rear Admiral Prince Grus
Age: 29
Height: 205 cm
Captain Koby
Age: 18
Height: 167 cm
Commander Hibari
Age: 17
Height: 165 cm
Lieutenant Commander Helmeppo
Age: 22
Height: 179 cm
Oda also mentions that in spite of his higher rank, Drake is from the same class as Kujaku and Grus or that they simply view each other more as equals.
Oda clarified that Grus is not an actual Prince but a rich person.
Jinbei’s Good and Bad Futures
A reader asked what would Jinbe be like in 20 and 40 years from now.
To note, Jinbe is 46 years old as of the post-timeskip, so Oda drew Jinbe in his 60s and in his 80s for two different timelines, one happy and one bad.
In the first one, we see Jinbe as a kindly grandfather who seems to have barely aged, apart from his beard turning a lighter shade.
Here, Jinbe tells a younger Fishman: “That’s enough. Don’t go after them. We are all equals”
At aged 80, Happy Jinbe is shown to look the same as he always did but with all white hair and here he remarks, “You’ve grown so much…!”
In the bad timeline, Jinbe’s look at aged 60 drastically changes as his topknot and hair grow wild.
Jinbe angrily says “I will kill all humans!”
At aged 80, Jinbe loses the topknot and grows spiky white hair and he says, “I will drag you down to the seafloor!”
This shows that Jinbe would have grown bitter overtime and abandoned Fisher Tiger’s legacy of non-discrimination if not for the positive encounters and experience he had throughout his past and in the main story.
Five Elders’ Fashion
A reader asked about how Luffy was able to keep his clothes, straw hat, and sandals while using Gear 5’s Gomu Gomu no Gigant and Oda answered, saying that as the author, he did not want to expose Luffy naked in that point and acted out of propriety, so all his clothes grew with him.
Another reader asked about the Five Elders’ fashion designer and Oda gave him a name: a man with cat ears named Nyornyo Nyarmani (a play on famous Italian fashion designer, Giorgio Armani).
Nyarmani is from the Nagagutsu Kingdom of East Blue and the Five Elders are the only ones allowed to wear Nyarmani’s special clothes.
Vice Admirals on Egghead Island
A simple question spawned into an exploration on the different Vice-Admirals that joined the Egghead Island Buster Call.
A reader asked Oda about how one of the nine Vice-Admirals resembles Rear Admiral Kadar from the Fishman Island flashback and the profiles of the other Vice-Admirals and Oda responds, saying that the reader is thinking about Vice-Admiral Hound.
Outside of Doberman, who already had a profile, Oda provided the profiles of the following Vice-Admirals:
He Ate the Rako Rako no Mi (Otter-Otter Fruit) and became the “Sea Otter Human”.
He can strike a powerful attack with a seashell.
A martial artist with a Rock and Roll soul.
He can “bite” with his hands with the “Tosaken” (Earth Tea Fist Style). Translation note: Tosa is the name of a breed of Japanese fighting dog, which fits the Vice-Admiral naming scheme).
He ate the Tsutsu Tsutsu no Mi (Cannon-Cannon Fruit) and became an “Artillery Human”, such that his head can become a cannon.
She ate the Nori Nori no Mi (Ride-Ride Fruit) and became a “Piloting Human” that can turning any living thing or object within her Haki range into vehicles.
She acts as an older sister figure to Great Staff Officer Tsuru.
He ate Inu Inu No Mi, Model: Hound (Ryouken or Hunting Dog).
He is on the same Class Year with Smoker
Red King
He Punches with a steam engine-powered right knuckle.
The blade on his head can be thrown like a boomerang.
FINAL QUESTION: Fujitora and Ryokugyu’s Pasts Revealed
When asked about the past of the newest Admirals, Fujitora and Ryokugyu, Oda showed them as children, with Aramaki on the left looking like a street thug with a club with nails on his right hand and a bottle of liquor on his left hand while Issho on the right wore a dark scarf and held a practice sword.
On the two Admirals’ pasts, Oda revealed the following:
Ryokugyu, originally Aramaki, was a police officer from the South Blue nation of Taya Kingdom.
Because of an incident involving a woman, Aramaki was thrown into prison.
Due to his reputation of possessing extraordinary strength, the World Government heard of him and this led to Aramaki being drafted into the Marines, leading to his quick promotion to Admiral.
Fujitora, originally Issho, was from the West Blue and was originally Defense Military Chief in the Aoi (blue) Kingdom that once existed in the Grand Line.
Because Aoi Kingdom was destroyed in a war, Issho would end up becoming a significant war criminal that the World Government kept an eye on.
This brings us to a gambling house in twin snake island, where he incurred losses and was made a bodyguard to pay off his debt.
The World Government would buy the gambling house with quite a large sum of money and recruit Issho into the Marines.
A former policeman and a former military officer.
These two stories align with the idea that the World Military Draft in the post-timeskip likely recruited soldiers from different nations to be part of the Marines.
Source: Twitter