One Piece: How Did Shanks Become a Yonko?
The latest One Piece chapter might have the key to answering how exactly Shanks became one of the Four Emperors of the Sea

In Chapter 957, “Ultimate”, we learn that Shanks became a Yonko six years after leaving Luffy on Fuusha Village.
This means that Shanks has been Emperor for 6 years.
However, around 6 years ago, the accursed Prince of Elbaph, Loki, was chained with Seastone to the Treasure Tree Adam of Elbaph, Yggdrasil.
In Chapter 1131, “Loki in the Underworld”, we hear Loki mock Shanks, calling him a chicken of a pirate, which got him a much deserved punch from Luffy.
However, it is possible that Shanks might be the reason Loki was chained in the first place.
To understand how exactly Shanks might have become a Yonko, we will examine three elements: his relationship with Loki (and by extension Elbaph), his relationship with the other territories, and his meeting with Ace
Loki’s “Special Bounty”
The special bounty is the first we have heard of in the series.
Majority of bounties are “Dead or Alive” and later at the end of the Dressrosa Arc, we learn of “Only Alive” status given to Sanji at the behest of the Vinsmoke Family.
His special bounty could be due to the devil fruit he holds and they initially believed that this was the Nika fruit until Luffy awakened Gear 5.
It could also have been initially used by Elbaph itself until the Giants or Shanks, who might have heard of the bounty, contained him six years ago.
However, a leading idea could be that Loki used to be a Yonko, although if that was the case, why weren’t the other Yonko or Roger given “special bounties”.
Does Dragon fit this category as well? If so, that would mean Loki would have committed a significant crime in the eyes of the World Government.
Was killing the King of Elbaph what got him this bounty in the first place?
Additionally, this was likely a bounty given when Loki was first imprisoned for his crime six years ago, so the value might be slightly increased.
The most likely reason would have to do with Loki’s legendary Devil Fruit.
A few theories as to what it is have popped up but its legendary status, something recently highlighted through the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika in the Wano Country Arc, suggests that the Devil Fruit has some relation to the Void Century, whether it is the Lunarians or another deity imagined by the people oppressed by the World Government.
If this fruit were to be consumed instead of, say, guarded by the King of Elbaph, that would be a sign of “Ragnarok”, an attack on the world by the Giants of Elbaph. In other words, mutually assured destruction.
Loki and Shanks’ relationship
There are two ways to read the familiarity Loki has shown to Shanks.
They could be friends and the term “coward” could only be used by someone who knew him very well in such a way as to judge Shanks.
Or they could be enemies, with Loki’s imprisonment in particular contributing to that enmity, possibly to Shanks’ rise as Yonko and Loki’s fall as a pirate.
And as we will see here, both could be true at the same time.
Although “coward” is an insult, there is a clue in Japanese where the word “koshinuke” translates more as “someone too afraid to act decisively”, such that their legs give out. This is also a term used by another old friend of Shanks, Buggy, who did not like how Shanks was not decisive enough, or brave enough in this case, to have a desire to pursue the One Piece and become the King of the Pirates.
In other words, Buggy is calling out Shanks for missing something that he expects from a friend or admirable person like him and this perception of Shanks could be shared by another friend like Loki.
Shanks’ Rise Through Loki’s Fall
What does Loki have to do with Shanks’ ascension to the status of Yonko?
There is one incident that might have a correlation.
Lola and Chiffon were both born 26 years before the start of the story.
Loki fell in love with Lola.
Considering that Loki is 63 at this time and he was 57 prior to his confinement, Lola and, later Chiffon after Lola ran away, would have been sent at around 18-20 years of age.
Furthermore, the mere fact Loki noticed Lola meant that he had plenty of freedom to move around since the latest chapter did basically reveal that Loki was a pirate, judging from his statement of being able to find different pirate crews to destroy for Luffy if the latter frees him and the belt he wore.
There is a possibility that after discovering the deception, Loki would go to war against Big Mom, who was the previous “shame of Elbaph”, if you will, due to the way she killed one of the Elbaph elders, Jorul.
This conflict would have brought him into contact with Shanks, a powerful but less prominent pirate compared to Big Mom and Whitebeard.
Although Loki was already the strongest of the giants, something would stop him from pursuing his war plans.
Something like, say, his father, who would be the opposite of Loki, a pacifist and someone who might want to build peace with Charlotte Linlin or even the World Government.
King Harald would prevent Loki from going out of the world to provoke a conflict or bring trouble to Elbaph just because of a rejection from Big Mom, who was already hated by the people of Elbaph.
Wanting to claim Lola by force or to take out his anger against Big Mom, Loki would do anything, maybe even kill his own father.
Now this would be an incredibly drastic action so what would have likely happened is that Loki would steal the Devil Fruit first, right under Harald’s nose and whatever went down between the two that would lead to Harald’s death would take place.
Loki would then be stopped by Shanks before proceeding with the war attempt, even doing battle with the powerful giant prince.
This feat would be what earns Shanks his title.
At least this would be the simple version.
It is possible that Shanks has already befriended Loki from his adventures prior and he might have wanted to stop his friend from rampaging or bringing trouble.
This is consistent with Shanks’ characterization as the man seeking balance, even going as far as to oppose Whitebeard and Kaido at different points.
However, this stance would bring Shanks at odds with Loki, who might mock him for not seizing the reins of power after Roger’s execution or for not killing Loki when he had the chance.
Shanks becomes a Yonko by defeating someone of equivalent power, someone who would have posed a direct threat to the peace built by Elbaph and the World Government.