Attack on Titan Magazine Confirms Where Wall Titans Came From
The special anniversary Q&A with the Attack on Titan is a mix of funny jokes, dangling plot threads and everything in between.

Through a weibo translation, we received the translation for the special Q&A for the 15th anniversary Magazine of Attack on Titan answered by Attack on Titan author, Hajime Isayama.
By 微思笠mikasa (Weibo)
AoT 15th Anniversary #shingeki
Special Q&A with H. IsayamaQ: Among the main characters, only #Hange hasn’t had any family-related backstory depicted. Does Hange have any siblings?
A: It gives the impression that Hange is distant from their family.— Cabin Eren 👑 (@pasionDGBLN3s) November 6, 2024
We will go over these questions in order of importance.
Ymir and the Pigs
Q: Why did #Ymir let the pig escape?
A: I think she saw her own situation in it and wanted to set it free.
This is quite a familiar answer many fans have guessed and it aligns with how Ymir’s inner desire has always been freedom.
In the anime, she even smiled after performing this act, even while knowing she would be punished.
The Wall Titans after the Rumbling
Possibly the most important question of the entire special Q&A and quite relevant to the plot.
Q: Did the millions of Titans who initiated the Rumbling eventually revert to human form?
A: If there were enough pages, I would have drawn the Titans returning to their human forms, entirely naked. they would have faced a punishment from people who were nearly crushed by them.
For a long time, fans have speculated on the nature of the Wall Titans and this answers something crucial about the Wall Titans.
They follow the consistent rule that all Titans came from Subjects of Ymir and not out of thin air.
Considering the amount and volume of Wall Titans used to construct the three Walls, it would make sense that King Karl Fritz used the large population of Eldians who have intermarried across multiple nations as the basis for this mass effort.
As to why Isayama chose not to draw it, perhaps it is to save time and avoid too many complications.
It would have been interesting, however, to see a group of 100 year old men and women wake up from subconscious enslavement, only to find an angry mob going after them for no reason, which would result in the initial skirmish between the survivors of the Rumbling and the Eldians in Paradis.
However, considering the tone of the answers to these questions, Isayama is probably just joking around.
Hange’s Family and Skills
For many years, fans have been craving for any information on Hange’s past due to how majority of the cast have well-developed backgrounds and backstories.
Q: Among the main characters, only Hange hasn’t had any family-related backstory depicted. Does Hange have any siblings?
A: It gives the impression that Hange is distant from their family.
Another hint to Hange’s unexplored past, we learn that Hange is written as someone who has detached themselves from their family.
This distance could seem personal and indicate a dissatisfaction with their ordinary life, which explains why their initial anger towards the Titans connects well with Eren.
Q: Hange casually made stew. Are she good at cooking, or do all Survey Corps members have some cooking skills?
A: Cooking is one of the soldiers’ skills, they ALL know how to cook
It would be nice to see the other Scouts cook, considering that only Hange has been shown cooking.
Levi would probably be a highlight choice.
Q: If we were in a timeline where Hange survived, would she live together with Levi, Falco, Gabi, and the others?
A: Hange always took on the role of running around and staying busy, so it’s hard to imagine them settling down.
Falco and Gabi After the Ending
Q: What happened to Gabi and Falco afterward?
A: They remained together for life. By the way, since Falco turned into a Titan, he doesn’t remember confessing to Gabi.
Even with a happily ever after for these two goobers, Isayama chooses to add some black comedy elements by making Falco forget his most awkward but also bravest moment in the series, confessing to Gabi in the middle of battle.
Other Last Conversations with Eren
Q: In the final battle, Annie, Reiner, Connie, and Jean remembered their last conversation with Eren. What did they talk about? Did he speak with Levi too?
A: If I had drawn it, each character would have had around 18 pages of quiet conversation, no big moments or splash pages
Some have called this a missed opportunity but the anime has not expanded on these conversations as well, indicating either that Isayama has chosen to withhold any ideas he already had for the scenes or he has yet to prepare them.
On the other hand, as with some of the answers here, including the Rumbling Titans one from earlier, this could also be a joke due to the emphasis of basically writing absolutely nothing for no reason.
Levi and the Ocean
Q: Does Levi find the ocean beautiful?
A: He does, but he would see it more as something mysterious
This aligns with his reaction to seeing the outside world beyond the Walls for the first in No Regrets, where he does not have a strong reaction unlike Isabel and Farlan.
Scout Cleanliness
Q: Why does Levi have a cleanliness obsession.
A: Although he grew up in an unsanitary environment, he holds a deep-seated belief that noble qualities flow within him.
This was seen through both No Regrets, a manga spinoff not written by Isayama, and the Bad Boy story written by Isayama himself.
Q: Is Erwin the type to keep his room messy or tidy?
A: Ah, he seems like he’d have a messy room
This could be a sign of how Erwin has neglected so much of his personal care in favor of pursuing his dream of seeing the truth of the world and the burden of leading the Scouts to their deaths.
Bertholdt’s Pass Time
Q: What does Bert do to pass the time on his days off?
A: He finds a place to be alone and then just spaces out by himself.
A rare moment of peace for someone with so much guilt whenever he sees the people he is meant to kill as the Colossal Titan.
Sauna Trivia
One of the most important questions for the man Isayama has to do with his passion for saunas and the suffering they instill.
Q: Which character is the most heat-sensitive in a sauna?
A: Daz. But a sauna isn’t a place for endurance competitions, so it’s best not to push yourself.
Eren’s Occupation
Q: If #Eren and the others lived in the modern era, what kind of jobs would they have?
A: In modern Japanese society, Eren would probably be struggling with multiple jobs.
Connie, Jean and Girls
Q: What type of person does #Connie like?
A: Gyaru (girls with flashy styles and makeup).
Q: I’d like to know how female students react to seeing #Jean in their history textbooks!
A: “It seems like he’s posing intentionally for the fans.”
Annie Fun Facts
Q: I really like Annie! Could you share any details or little-known facts about her?
A: She uses triangle chokes and arm locks to make up for her weaker defense in grappling techniques.
Isayama’s Most Challenging Scenes
Q: During the creative process, which scene did Isayama-sensei find the most interesting or challenging?
A: The most challenging part was around Volume 13, which I didn’t find very interesting. The most enjoyable part was when the new story arc began in Volume 23.
Source: Twitter