
Dandadan Reaches 5 Million Copies in Circulation

Dandadan’s anime run has propelled the manga sales to 5 million copies!

dandadan volume 16 saint-germain rin
DANDADAN © 2021 by Yukinobu Tatsu/SHUEISHA Inc.

On December 10, 2024, Dandadan has reached 5 million copies in circulation after 17 volumes.

Prior to this, on October 2024, Dandadan had reached 4 million copies in circulation and October was when the anime adaptation by Science SARU was launched.

On November 2023, when the anime was announced, Dandadan had reached 3.2 million copies sold.

As of October 2024, Dandadan has reached 4 million copies sold, an increase of 800,000 in copies.

This meant that by December, the anime had boosted the sales of the series dramatically, with a 1 million increase in the span of only two months!

About Dandadan

Dandadan is a manga series written and illustrated Yukinobu Tatsu for the Shonen Jump Plus App, released to the platform on April 6, 2021.

As of writing, there have been 17 volumes released and 176 chapters in the app.

Dandadan is the story of Momo and Okarun (real name: Ken Takakura), two students with differing opinions about the origins of the supernatural, with Momo believing in ghosts and Okarun believing in aliens.

After losing his kintama to the Turbo Granny yokai, Okarun joins with Momo to retrieve what he had lost while facing the mysterious aliens and supernatural beings encroaching on their neighborhood.

The anime is still airing on Netflix and other platforms, with two more episodes remaining for the first season.