Dub Voice Actor Sean Letourneau Launches GoFundMe Campaign To Fight Cancer
People have managed to raise US$11, 295 so far

On Wednesday, Sean Letourneau, 24, an English Dub voice actor started a GoFundMe to help pay his medical bills.
Earlier this year, Letourneau was diagnosed with testicular cancer.
On his GoFundMe page, Letourneau says “ultrasounds, specialist visits, CT scans, surgery fees, and general toll of the entire event has left me financially devastated and overwhelmed”.
He also updated fans about the current progress, as he recently underwent surgery to have his left testicle removed and is waiting for the follow-up CT scan to see if the cancer has spread.
As of now, people have managed to raise US$11, 295, crossing the initial goal of US$ 8,000.
Letourneau has voiced Set in Sacrificial Princess & the King of Beasts, Kazuhiro Maezono in MF Ghost, and Cyrus Rivermoore in Reign of the Seven Spellblades.
He has also voiced roles in popular anime like My Hero Academia, Rent-A-Girlfriend, One Piece, and many more.
Source: GoFundMe