
Can You Pass The Ultimate Wind Hashira Quiz?

Shinaguzawa demon slayer quiz featured
Demon Slayer: Swordsman Village Arc
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Created by Dev

Can You Pass The Ultimate Wind Hashira Quiz?

Do you think that you're a big fan of Demon Slayer? Let's see if you can pass the ultimate Wind Hashira Quiz!

1. Why does Sanemi keep his uniform open?

sanemi muscles demon slayer

2. According to the Demon Slayer Second Fanbook, which Hashira does Sanemi hate?


3. What did Sanemi do before joining the Demon Slayer Corps?

sanemi demon slayer young

4. According to the Demon Slayer Second Fanbook, what is Sanemi's level of openness?


5. What insect does Sanemi own?

6. What is Sanemi's favorite food?

Shinaguzawa demon slayer quiz

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