Jujutsu Kaisen: The Ultimate Master Tengen Quiz Is Here! Harsh S 22 Jul 2023 JUJUTSU KAISEN © 2018 by Gege Akutami/SHUEISHA Inc. 0 votes, 0 avg 19 Created by Harsh S Jujutsu Kaisen: The Ultimate Master Tengen Quiz Is Here! Do you believe that you are a true fan of Jujutsu Kaisen? Then check out this ultimate Quiz on Master Tengen! 1. How old is Master Tengen? 200 1000 520 1200 2. Where did Master Tengen used to reside? The Tomb of the Star Yamakuni Mausoleum Mt. Hida The imperial Palace 3. Currently, Master Tengen is which of the following? Human Cursed Spirit Immortal Sorcerer Reincarnated Sorcerer 4. What is Master Tengen's alias? Earth Undying One Moon Star 5. Which of the following is a star plasma vessel? Mei Mei Shoko Ieiri Yuki Tsukumo Utahime Iori 6. What is the name of the religious group that worships Master Tengen? Star Plasma Association Star Followers Group Star Plassma Group Time Vessel Association 7. What is Master Tengen's innate cursed Technique? Star Immortality Body Merger Barriers Your score is The average score is 62% Restart quiz 300*600