My Hero Academia: The HARDEST Himiko Toga Quiz On The Internet! Dev 4 Dec 2023 My Hero Academia 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Created by Dev My Hero Academia: The HARDEST Himiko Toga Quiz On The Internet! Do you consider yourself to be a huge My Hero Academia fan? Let's see how much you know about Himiko Toga! 1. Which fruit does Himiko like? pomegranates Strawberry Apple Blueberry 2. What is Toga's highest rank in the US Popularity Poll? 5 3 9 2 3. According to the manga, what is Toga's hair color? White Golden Yellow Light Dirty Blonde Blonde 4. How tall is Himiko Toga? 5'1" 5;4" 5'0" 5'2" Your score is The average score is 0% Restart quiz 300*600