My Hero Academia: The HARDEST Uraraka Ochaco Quiz On The Internet! Harsh S 30 Oct 2023 BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA © 2014 by Kohei Horikoshi/SHUEISHA Inc. 0 votes, 0 avg 9 Created by Harsh S My Hero Academia: The HARDEST Uraraka Ochaco Quiz On The Internet! Do you consider yourself to be a huge My Hero Academia fan? Let's see how much you know about the female lead, Uraraka Ochaco! 1. What is Ochaco's height? 148 cm 150 cm 156 cm 165 cm 2. What is Ochaco's blood type? O A B AB 3. In which episode did Ochaco make her debut? episode 5 episode 3 episode 4 episode 2 4. In the prototype concept, what was Ochaco's original name? Yu Takeyama Yui Kodai Ochaco Uraraka Mt. Lady 5. What is Uraraka's favorite thing? Comets Starry Sky Gravity Key Chains 6. What is Ochaco's favorite food? Mochi Burger Pizza Ice Cream 7. What is Ochaco's U.A. Student No. in Class 1-A? 12 5 8 10 Your score is The average score is 30% Restart quiz 300*600