My Hero Academia: The TOUGHEST Aizawa Quiz On The Internet! Dev 23 Sep 2023 My Hero Academia 0 votes, 0 avg 6 Created by Dev My Hero Academia: The TOUGHEST Aiza Quiz On The Internet! Do you consider yourself to be a huge My Hero Academia fan? Let's see how much you know about the All Might! 1. What is Aizawa's blood type? AB O A B 2. Out of 5, what was Aizawa's power ranking according to the Ultra Archive Book? 4 3 2 5 3. What was Eraser Head's highest ranking in the popularity polls? 9th 6th 5th 4th 4. Who gave Shota his hero name? Present Mic All Might Gran Torino Endeavor 5. Which animal is Eraser Head's favorite? Cats Koala Sloths Racoons Your score is The average score is 70% Restart quiz 300*600