Naruto: Can You Pass The Hardest Shikamaru Quiz? Dev 17 Jan 2024 0 votes, 0 avg 2 Created by Dev Naruto: Can You Pass The Hardest Shikamaru Quiz? Do you consider yourself to be a huge Naruto fan? Let's see how you perform on this quiz about our new protagonist, Shikamaru Nara! 1. What is Shikamaru's least favorite food? boiled eggs mackerel kelp macaroons 2. What is Shikamaru's title as the Hokage? Yondaime Nondaime Nanadaime Hachidaime 3. Who played Shikamaru in Live Spectacle Naruto stage play? Tatsunari Kimura Kodai Matsuoka Kenta Suga Tsubasa Hattori 4. Shikamaru became Chunin at which age? 10 11 12 13 5. What is Shikamaru's Ninja Registration number? 012632 012611 012764 012833 Your score is The average score is 10% Restart quiz 300*600