Naruto: The Ultimate Hashirama Senju Quiz Is Here! Dev 18 Jan 2024 0 votes, 0 avg 16 Created by Dev Naruto: The Ultimate Hashirama Senju Quiz Is Here! Do you consider yourself to be a huge Naruto fan? Let's see how you do in this ultimate Hashirama Senju Quiz! 1. What is Hashirama's blood type? O AB A B 2. What was Hashirama's weight in Part II? 80 Kg 76 Kg 74 kg 78 Kg 3. What was Hashirama's hobby? wood sculpting singing fighting gazing around 4. What is Hashirama's birth date? October 24 October 22 October 23 October 21 Your score is The average score is 25% Restart quiz 300*600