Naruto: The Ultimate Neji Hyuga Quiz Is Here! Harsh S 7 Oct 2023 0 votes, 0 avg 3 Created by Harsh S Naruto: The Ultimate Neji Hyuga Quiz Is Here! Do you consider yourself to be a huge Naruto fan? Let's see how you do in this ultimate Neji Hyuga Quiz! 1. What was Neji's age during the end of Naruto Shippuden? 15 20 18 14 2. What was Neji's height during Naruto Shippuden? 172.1 cm 182.4 cm 170.6 cm 180.3 cm 3. What was Neji's age during Naruto? 54.2 kg 64.6 kg 40.7 kg 46.8 kg 4. What is Neji's Blood type? B O A AB 5. What is Neji's Ninja registration number? 019648 035669 012587 012887 6. What is Neji's hobby? fighting Studying Meditation Practice 7. What is Neji's favourite food? Miso Soup Cold Soba Ramen Herring Soba Your score is The average score is 14% Restart quiz 300*600