Julian Loki joins a game. Noel Noa steps in as well. Even Igaguri steps in. All because Rin scored an amazing goal! So much hype for Blue Lock!

Here are Blue Lock chapter spoilers courtesy of Shadow and Hoshi801_
Chapter 276 is titled, “Last Game”
The chapter continues where we left off, with the crowd of onlookers amazed by Rin’s goal.
The announcer screams, declaring PXG’s last minute equalizer credited to Blue Lock’s #1, Rin Itoshi!
The score between Bastard Munchen and PXG is tied 2-2.
Because of that shot, Rin gets a nosebleed.
Charles and Shidou head towards Rin.
Charles is mighty impressed with Rin’s performance, while Shidou, in spite of hating Rin’s personality and eyelashes, admires how artistic the shot is.
Shidou then asks Charles to pass the ball to the one he thinks is crazier, between himself and Rin.
This almost feels like flirting while the other party is trying to recover from exhaustion.
Rin notices how flirty Shidou is and tells him to back off.
Charles tells Rin to check on the nosebleed as they cannot continue without it.
Isagi is kneeling down, shocked by what happened.
Isagi thinks about whether or not he was wrong since Zantetsu marked Kinigami.
Isagi thinks about how Rin was fearless when he shook off Shidou, accelerated and made that goal.
Reminded of the passion he felt from Rin when he first entered the Blue Lock, Isagi was shocked by Rin’s awakening into a genius and sees the latter rise up, with a flaming aura around him, signifying that Isagi feels like a supporting character to Rin’s path to becoming a genius.
Julian Loki grabs Rin by the shirt, much to everyone else’s surprise, and reminds him of how he and Rin used to play once in the Blue Lock 3rd selection.
However, as it turns out, Julian is amazed by how much Rin has grown, becoming a more attractive striker, and is even grateful that he awakened Charles.
Rin’s performance motivates Julian to join the game, which the announcer highlights in his commentary.
Seeing Julian come in as an addition to the team, Noel Noa enters the field, commenting that because Kunigami Rensuke and Kurona Ranze are running out of stamina, they should stay out.
Noa also announces that joining him is GURIMU IGAGURI.
Raichi and Hiori are surprised.
Igaguri cheerfully comes to the field while praying the Amida Butsu.
The announcer brings up the score of 2-2 and that the game is heading into its final moments.
The announcer asks who will be the new egoist to score the final goal in this climactic showdown
As the players are in position, Rin tells Isagi that he is glad to have chosen the latter as his rival, as their mutual hatred makes him stronger.
Isagi tells Rin not to underestimate him, with the final page showing him in an intimidating aura as he monologues about taking the winning goal back from Rin.
Will the next chapter be Isagi’s time to shine in this final showdown?
Editor’s comment: Genius vs. Prodigy.
There will be a BREAK next week.