
Who Will Score the Finishing Goal? Blue Lock Chapter 292 Spoilers!!

The latest Blue Lock chapter ends on the ball flying in the center, with everyone gunning for the finishing shot.

blue lock 292 rin isagi
BLUE LOCK © 2018 by Kaneshiro Muneyuki and Nomura Yuusuke/KODANSHA.

In the previous Blue Lock chapter, Kaiser stops Rin’s goal kick while Ness is about to experience a potential change.

Blue Lock Chapter 292 is titled “Bad Luck”

This chapter has 22 pages.

Geez, these chapters lately have “Blue Lock” puns around them.

But this might be a special chapter judging from the page count.

Editor’s note: “Can’t yield, won’t yield! All of the egoists go full throttle to steal the goal!!”

The chapter begins with Kaiser and Rin clashing with one another, with Kaiser noting that Rin is betting everything on destroying Kaiser and Isagi’s connection.

Isagi runs ahead of Kaiser and Rin to make a cross run to disturb Rin and scatter his sight.

This way, Rin will be confused on who to destroy first: Kaiser, who is closest to him and the most physical of the duo, or Isagi, who doesn’t have the ball but is closest to the goal.

Michael Kaiser and Yoichi Isagi have coordinated so well that they do not need words to communicate with each other.

“Luck” lands on the one not targeted by Rin.

Now the pair make the cross run together, separating themselves from Rin to confuse Rin’s sight.

From behind the main three, Ness catches up to Kaiser and Isagi, angry that Isagi “stole his Kaiser” from him but he wonders if he has to change.

Ness recalled the first time the pair met and, as if being put on a spell by Kaiser, Ness saw their first meeting as the “beginning of us”, their relationship and Ness’ sense of being.

Now with Kaiser no longer needing and seemingly replacing him not with another pawn to use but with an equal like Isagi, Ness rationalizes that he too must also evolve away from Kaiser and says goodbye to his god.

As the tears holding his memories with Kaiser burn away, Ness’ eyes turn black and he clashes against Karasu..

Meanwhile, Rin sees his situation and remarks that targeting Kaiser and Isagi alone will make one of them break out.

Suddenly, Hiori charges with the ball towards the trio and Rin thinks about who to target between Kaiser and Isagi.

Now he has found his chance to make the pass.

Hiori makes his pass but Rin already chose Isagi.

As it turns out, this was a miscalculation on Rin’s part as Hiori’s pass actually brought the ball to Kaiser’s direction.

However, someone would also take advantage of this.

With Rin tackling Isagi, Shidou headed for Kaiser, saying it was bad luck on Kaiser’s part.

But before Shidou can steal the ball, Kumigami charges against Shidou and changes the ball’s trajectory, with the chapter ending on the ball flying in mid-air, caught between Kaiser, Isagi, and Rin but also the others: Hiori, Shidou, Charles, Kunigami, Karasu and even Ness.

Editor’s note: “The decisive ball is in the air!! Who will be the egoist to reach out for the future?!”

With the next chapter, we might be heading into the conclusion of the Neo-Egoist League and a new turn for the entire Blue Lock series.

And the chapter title might give us an impression…that it is not Kaiser, Rin or Isagi who will make the final goal but someone else, possibly Ness?

Blue Lock Chapter 293 is titled, “Birth of a New Hero” and will contain 24 pages to be released on February 19, 2025.