There could be no other way the Neo-Egoist League of Blue Lock would end without the goat, Yoichi Isagi, taking the biggest W of his entire career.

In the previous Blue Lock chapter, after a long struggle and over 20 chapters for this final half of the Neo-Egoist League finale, we see the ball caught in the middle of the field and whoever will take it will determine the winner.
Blue Lock Chapter 293 is titled, “Birth of a New Hero”
This chapter has 24 pages.
Editor’s note: “Kunigami’s desperate defence creates gives Germany a chance! The course of “luck” creates future of the field!”
The chapter cover page features the ball above the set of SEVEN players nearest to its destination while the luck puzzle piece falls as well.
We see a spread with Rin, Hiori, and Kunigami witnessing Ness be the closest towards the ball and thus to LUCK.
Kaiser is shocked at seeing Ness be the one to receive the ball while Ness is elated.
It is HIS Luck now.
Momentarily, his Kaiser simping instincts came in as he wanted to pass to Kaiser but now, Ness declares it will be his future, his moment to become the new “me”.
Kaiser is in disbelief and refuses to see the possibility of Ness shooting it by himself and hopes that Ness passes it to him instead.
The ball nears and Ness shoots the ball, beginning his rebellion against his Emperor!
Everyone is shocked that Ness even shot for himself but Nanase thinks it is a drive pass.
Ness remarks that a top spin is unsuitable for Kaiser Impact, so he delivers a feel-good all-out strike-through timing.
Suddenly, a shadow sneaks through the field and it is Isagi in his Flow State,
Hiori remarked that no one, not even himself, could predict the evolution of a genius like Ness, except someone who viewed prodigy and genius alike as equals such as the top prodigy himself, Yoichi Isagi.
Yukimiya sees how Isagi sacrificed his emotions for the sake of victory, such as Kunigami calls Isagi an “egoist machine”
Rin is shocked to see that Isagi is still evolving by forcing others to expose their ego and use it for his own goals.
Kaiser is displeased to see Ness INDIRECTLY HELP ISAGI and now turn white again, whimpering from the brutal humiliation of Isagi ONCE AGAIN stealing his limelight.
Isagi really is Ness’ archnemesis, stealing Kaiser and now his chance to become his own Kaiser.
In amazement, Rin declares Isagi to be “the Neo-Egoist, controlling both hope and despair!”
Blue Lock’s Demon King!!!
In three back-to-back double pages, we see Isagi score the goal that would allow Bastard Munchen to win the Neo-Egoist League against France’s Paris X Gen
Bastard Munchen 3-2 Paris X Gen.
Editor’s note: “In a dramatic ending, Isagi scores the final goal vs France! The Demon King who devoured everything gives his first cry!!”
Blue Lock Chapter 294 is titled, “Champion” and will be released on February 26, 2025.