
Boruto and Kawaki TEAM UP Against Jura! Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 15 Spoilers!!

Code is moving to find Kashin Koji. Meanwhile, Boruto and Kawaki join forces against the sentient God Trees, setting aside their differences for the meantime.

boruto kawaki
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex © 2023 Mikio Ikemoto, Masashi Kishimoto Shueisha

In the previous Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter, Boruto escapes interrogation and confinement but not before revealing the truth about the sentient God Trees, including Jura as the reincarnation of Kara’s Ten-Tails.

But will Boruto get far and how will he continue his fight against Jura?

Here are Boruto spoilers courtesy of Flex and Kaz.

Chapter 15 is titled, “A Fulfilling Life”

The chapter cover features Ryu, Shinki’s God Tree counterpart and is in orange and black.

The chapter begins in an underground facility beneath the Hidden Sand Village, which resembles the former Orochimaru hideout that Kashin Koji was staying in Chapter 13.

Here, we see Shinki and his two teammates, Araya and Yodo, trapped in sand balls for their protection by Gaara.

Araya seems to have a different mask on, which is darker in color and only covers his eyes and forehead.

Shinki asks Gaara to release the sand so he can fight

However, Gaara orders him as the 5th Kazekage to stay put for the future of the Sand

In front of him is a wounded Gaara, who is facing off against Matsuri.

Matsuri comes forward, revealing that she was only going after Boruto and his associates and has no concern for the Kazekage.

This implies that the area they are in is Kashin Koji’s hideout, which means Koji is somewhere else already by this point.

This also means that Gaara is also going after Boruto since he is a Rogue Ninja wanted for the murder of Seventh Hokage Naruto.

Matsuri also points out that Gaara’s wound is fatal and he should get that healed instead of focusing on the young ninja.

Gaara points out that he has to risk his life to protect the youth and their future, rather than let them die in this place.

Matsuri tells Gaara that if the latter surrenders quietly, she will let the kids go.

Gaara levitates the sand balls away from Matsuri and the Claw Grimes she has, counting on them to survive.

While trapped in the sand ball, Shinki attempts to manipulate his Iron Sand to break out and face the Claw Grimes.

One Claw Grime goes after Gaara and Shinki shields him with his Iron Sand: Sealing Palm

Gaara tells Shinki to stop but Shinki insists that Gaara is needed for the future of the Sand Village.

Matsuri chides Shinki for not listening to his father.

Just then, a Claw Grime takes hold and bites into Shinki, who is slowly merging with the Claw Grime into a tree.

Yodo screams but Araya stops her to prevent her from moving.

Shinki asks Yodo to tell Kankuro about what happened to Gaara before he is fully absorbed into the tree.

However, Shinki continues to strengthen the Sealing Palm Jutsu that is protecting Gaara from the Claw Grimes until eventually he gives out as his chakra is sapped by the God Tree.

Meanwhile, Gaara remains inside the Sealing Palm dome, still covering his stomach wound.

Matsuri checks the Iron Sand dome and is surprised by how strong the seal remains even while Shinki has turned into a tree, revealing that the Sealing Palm remains active as long as Shinki, its user, is still alive.

Impressed by the risk Shinki took to save his father, Matsuri is interested in the possibility of Shinki joining the sentient God Trees.

We return to the present where Kankuro relays his report to Shikamaru and tells the Leaf that Shinki may still be alive in the tree.

Although Shinki managed to keep Gaara alive, rescue at the moment is impossible since only Shinki can undo the technique.

Shinki’s resolve to protect his adopted father somewhat mirrors Kawaki sealing away his own father in Daikokuten but both situations happened for opposing reasons.

Even the fact that only the user can undo the technique brings similar stakes for the story.

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex has sealed both Naruto and Sasuke, two of the most powerful Shinobi in history, which gives Boruto and the next generation the room they need to act on the current problems without relying on the past generation.

Now it is Gaara’s turn to be sealed away but Shinki, the Sand’s protagonist, is now a member of the sentient God Trees.

Ryu and Hidari are individuals that Boruto should defeat to ensure Shinki and Sasuke’s survival respectively.

Shikamaru asks Kankuro if there was anyone with “the same chakra” spotted nearby but Kankuro reports that Shinki’s chakra has not yet been detected.

Shikamaru assures Kankuro that they will work together and share any information they can get.

Sarada is horrified at the prospect of the sentient God Trees gaining more allies, having seen what Hidari and Jura were capable of doing on their own.

Shikamaru orders Sarada to inform him in case Boruto contacts her so that they can get more information.

Koji’s frog is spying on the whole situation, which also means Boruto is already informed of the Shinki situation.

Back in the dimension the sentient God Trees are in, Ryu awakens and learns of his name.

As you may recall in Chapter 14, Ryu is written with the kanji for “particle” or “grain”.

Jura explains that a name is needed to give everyone an idea of who Ryu is since a name is the most basic information.

Ryu responds enthusiastically and calls Jura his “senpai”, much to Matsuri’s surprise.

Ryu has quite a different demeanor from the more stoic, serious Shinki.

However, Ryu tells his seniors to quiet down as he senses something and forms Iron Sand from his cloak to go after Code, who is hiding inside the Daihakoten cube that Ryu was standing on.

Something to note is that the Daihakoten cubes disrupt sensory abilities, which made it a good hiding spot for Code, since none of the sentient God Trees except for Ryu noticed him.

This means that either Code was able to make noise while hiding in the cube or Ryu’s Iron Sand gives him sensory abilities that are not being jammed by the Daihakoten.

Jura asks Ryu to let Code go as every sentient God Tree owes him a small debt of gratitude.

Code was the one who unleashed the Claw Grimes and unwittingly allowed them to gain sentience by absorbing different shinobi around the world.

After Code is let go of, Jura asks if the former needed anything from them.

Code is surprised that the sentient God Trees are not after any Otsutsuki, given that the Ten-Tails instinctively hunts down Otsutsuki to eat them.

Jura asserts that consuming Otsutsuki is still their end goal but they have other matters that take priority. 

Jura points out Code’s grudge against Boruto, who is also the target of the sentient God Trees, and asks him to get rid of Boruto since Kawaki is all the sentient God Trees need to devour..

Code is annoyed that Jura gets to decide who Code kills and reminds Jura that he will be the one to devour the Chakra Fruit to be a true Otsutsuki that fulfills Isshiki’s will.

Jura brings up a shocking possibility. What if the sentient God Trees devour the Chakra Fruit themselves.

Hearing Jura’s intent to rebel against him, Code forms Claw Marks on the ground to try and attack Jura by sending his right hand through Jura’s body but instead, Jura slices off Code’s hand with his mini-Tailed Beast Bomb and without making a single move.

Looks like Code now resembles Sasuke, the man who had been after him for the past few years but he loses a right hand instead of a left one.

Jura admits that he owes Code a debt of gratitude as it is through Code’s powers that the Claw Grimes could become sentient God Trees that think for themselves and thus allow them to live a fulfilling life (the chapter title).

Code screams in pain as Jura seems to “advise” Code to find some excitement for his life by fulfilling one task for him: find Boruto Otsutsuki’s unknown collaborator (Kashin Koji) and kill them and in exchange, Code can have the Chakra Fruit.

Code covers up the stump with his Claw Marks.

For someone who has the raw power of the Otsutsuki via the White Karma mark, Code seems to lack the Otsutsuki regeneration ability.

Mamushi, who is Bug’s sentient God Tree, laughs at Code’s pathetic state.

Looks like Bug got some vindication after so much abuse from Code.

Code bemoans at the humiliation he experienced at the hands of his own creations but accepts the deal, expecting the Chakra Fruit as his prize.

Jura says that he is counting on Code while the latter promises that he will have the last laugh and teleports into his Claw Mark.

Ryu asks Jura if he can kill Code after the deal is done.

Jura says he is free to do so as that is his right and encourages Ryu to embrace his instincts to devour his target.

Ryu’s target is Gaara and he decides to undo the Sealing Palm.

Atop Naruto’s stone face, Boruto stares over the whole village and asks Kawaki if he came alone.

Kawaki comes forward, telling him that Ada is still watching.

Boruto is surprised that Kawaki is not attacking him this time.

Kawaki asks Boruto what Boruto’s plan is and why he has not told anyone from the Leaf the truth about Omnipotence.

Boruto explains that it is futile to tell them the truth as that could sow division and create chaos.

Since the Leaf is still functioning while living with Omnipotence’s lie, it is better not to disrupt it by imposing a truth to people who would have no way to prove it.

Boruto did develop the mentality to be unfazed no matter what happens from his time away from the village with Sasuke.

I would not completely buy into the idea of the Leaf being stable.

Shikamaru is still holding down the fort and ensuring that but direct cooperation with Boruto and maybe clarifying what happened to Naruto will ensure smoother teamwork and reduce potential casualties.

Confusion can be dispelled within maybe a day or so with a proper explanation from Shikamaru.

Kawaki then asks about Momoshiki as he senses that Boruto has yet to really control the karma.

Boruto reveals that two years ago while fighting Code together with Sasuke, Boruto came close to being taken over by the Karma.

Boruto describes the sensation as “the feeling that you aren’t yourself, dying whilst being conscious”.

Boruto is not sure how but if he uses Karma, he might get taken over, so in a way the situation has gotten worse.

Boruto tells Kawaki that the sentient God Trees are already growing in number and Jura is beyond Boruto’s power to handle, so he asks for Kawaki’s cooperation.

Then, Boruto says that after handling the sentient God Trees, Kawaki should kill him next.

Page 35 contains the preview for this chapter posted on October 13, 2024.

We understand why Boruto asks Kawaki to get stronger since he needs Kawaki to be strong enough to kill him in the event that Boruto loses control to Momoshiki.

Boruto tells Kawaki that he is Naruto’s disciple, having learned the Shadow Clone Jutsu from him and possibly others prior to Kawaki sending Naruto to Daikokuten.

Boruto remarks that Kawaki really needs to keep up with his level of strength and he should have just freed Naruto from the Daikokuten Dimension in order for Kawaki to get direct training, 

It is another way of saying that Boruto could handle Kawaki even more easily than he did Code and possibly that Kawaki might not be ready for Code.

Considering that Code is a temporary ally of the sentient God Trees now, there will be a bigger war happening.

Now we have full context for the chapter preview as it actually has nothing to do with Ten Directions all along but with Amado.

Boruto tells Kawaki to get stronger by any means and question Amado as it seems he is hiding his power.

Amado noticed discrepancies between reality and memories, which would be enough for him to keep an eye on Kawaki and restrict his power in the same way he has done with Code in the past.

As it turns out, Amado increased Kawaki’s defensive and regenerative abilities to ensure he is alive.

Amado, who has been watching through Kawaki’s right eye, is frustrated that Boruto has information about the Karma from Kashin Koji.

Amado is surprised that Koji is still alive after the battle with Isshiki, which could also imply that Amado had planned to let Koji die anyway.

Will the two former allies be against each other now that Amado’s plan involves being on Kawaki’s side?

Boruto tells Kawaki that Amado did this to ensure Kawaki can live long enough to fulfill his plans and prepares to leave the Leaf Village.

Kawaki clarifies to Boruto that his thoughts have not changed about exterminating all Otsutsuki, including Boruto and himself.

However, he is open to working with Boruto to stop the ongoing threat of Jura’s sentient God Trees.

The chapter ends with Boruto telling Kawaki not to drag him down while calling him Brother, much to Kawaki’s annoyance.

Has the confrontation in the first scene of Chapter 1 of the original Boruto manga been completely altered? We are now on Naruto’s Hokage face, where the two did battle in that scene.

There could also be a chance that the Leaf will be destroyed in the future.

In the meantime, the post-timeskip progresses with Boruto and Kawaki joining forces against the sentient God Trees.

Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter 16 will be released on November 19, 2024 and will be the final chapter for Volume 4.