CHROLLO’S PLAN TO END THE SUCCESSION CONTEST! Hunter x Hunter Chapter 406 Spoilers!
The original plan to steal Kakin’s Treasures in the Black Whale is the key to Hisoka’s defeat. Hunter x Hunter’s Succession Contest Arc is about to get even more insane.

In the previous Hunter x Hunter chapter, we finally meet the real Hisoka and learn that Bonolenov was the fake seen throughout the Black Whale. We also learn that Chrollo is after a Nen user in Tier 1 with the key ability to permanently end Hisoka.
Chapter 406 is titled, “Sacred Treasure”.
This chapter has 19 pages.
Nobunaga’s Group
The chapter begins where we ended off last chapter with Nobunaga’s group reaching the Heil-ly fortress with the help of Cha-R Vice-Boss Tajao, who warns Nobuanaga that he will have to confiscate his sword due to the presence of the Tier 2 guards.
When they open the door, they find themselves in the outermost part of the Black Whale, which is also where the waste and garbage of the 200,000 passengers goes to.
Phinks remarks that this smells like Meteor City.
Tajao also reveals that Tier 5 is below the sewage processing plant, which is between Tiers 4 and 5.
This means that the three Mafia Families were given the task of the Black Whale’s waste disposal, which could possibly reflect their role in Kakin politics outside of black market trade.
They are literally in the underworld and this is quite convenient for them.
Nobunaga points out that due to how dirty the job is, the Mafia hands it over to the subcontractors and Mafia underlings assigned to the sector.
Even if the subcontractor changes, the Mafia would not need to report anything to the government because that is just their jurisdiction. Out of sight, out of mind.
This makes Tajao realize that the Heil-Ly might be posing as waste disposal contractors hiring people to do the dirty work as subcontractors to kill them discreetly and no one would notice.
This does mean that the Heil-Ly after killing the poor more than the middle class, usually passengers desperate to survive in the Black Whale’s long journey to the New Continent.
Tajao is surprised the Phantom Troupe could think like this, which makes him and the Mafia “model citizens” by comparison
Nobunaga heads back out but warns Phinks and Feitan about the guard of the area having a Counteractive Type Nen ability wherein once attacked, an invincibility switch activates to keep the user from being harmed and the intruders are forced out through a security robot, a Nen doll.
Nobunaga mentions that the Door in the hideout is a warp point to teleport into Tier 3.
Phinks is upset that Nobunaga did not inform them sooner.
Inside a room, a communicator seem to emit Nen aura.
This is Hinrigh’s Nen ability, Biohazard, which turns objects into living creatures, akin to the Stand Golden Wind from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.
Hinrigh is overhearing everything going on with the Phantom Troupe.
9th Prince Halkenburg’s Funeral
Meanwhile Hinrigh witnesses the crowd grow larger and larger for the upcoming funeral for 9th Prince Halkenburg, showing how beloved and particularly popular Halkenburg was among the common folk.
Hinrigh looks for Lynch so she can punch people with her Nen ability, “Mindfulness”—Body and Soul, to get rid of the Heil-Ly infiltrators in the area.
Hinrigh would find Lynch’s body, totally snapped.
This was done by Bonolenov disguised as Zakuro, as revealed last chapter.
While carrying Lynch’s body out, Hinrigh asks Zakuro if he and Lynch parted ways after “Hisoka” disappeared.
If Hisoka was behind Lynch’s death, Zakuro would have been killed to keep him quiet but for Hinrigh, it appeared to Zakuro that Lynch might have just gone after Hisoka and got killed after.
However, Lynch revealed to Hinrigh that when Lynch woke up, she was unusually calm and detached after being knocked out.
This leads Hinrigh to suspect that Lynch was killed and someone else has been in disguise as Lynch to bring Zakuro and Hinrigh to “Hisoka”.
However, no one has been known to the two to have the ability to shapeshift to the point of changing their height, so they assume Hisoka has a Manipulation ability that he put Lynch under to wake Zakuro up and disappear.
Zakuro then remembers what “Lynch” said upon waking him up, where “Lynch” confirmed that the man she punched was “definitely Hisoka”.
Hinrigh realized that the reason that Lynch got killed was because Lynch figured out that Hisoka was a fake and the fake spared Zakuro so the latter could lead Hinrigh to know that “Hisoka was there”, which brings us to the theater encounter in Chapter 393: “Plea”.
Hinrigh now understands that the culprit is also after Hisoka like the Mafia but does not want the gangs to get to Hisoka first.
Hinrigh speculates that the fake Hisoka is aware of the Mafia’s ploy to hide information on the real Hisoka in case they find him so that the Phantom Troupe do not cause further trouble.
If the culprit is from the Phantom Troupe, this will mean that the Xi-Yu will fight the Cha-R, who are allied with the Phantom Troupe to find and eliminate Morena’s henchmen.
However Hinrigh insists that no matter who the culprit is, they must avenge Lynch.
Chrollo’s True Mission and the Succession Contest
We then cut to Chrollo watching Haklenburg’s funeral unfold.
Chrollo opens his Skill Hunter and it shows the image of “McGait Narumi”, a Nen user with the ability “Love Dial 6700- the Ominous Phone Call”, which conjures a mobile phone that will allow the user to dial in a set of criteria to find the ideal romantic partner and call them.
This Nen ability ironically suits Hisoka’s sexuality of murder, which is quite ironic considering that Hisoka’s lust is what killed Shalnark and Kortopi.
Chrollo calls for a specific number but it is not within the area.
Chrollo is looking for the Nen user that will grant him the means to permanently kill Hisoka but it seems that he has either tried looking for this person
We finally learn exactly what the Phantom Troupe’s original goal in the Black Whale was: the Sacred Treasures of Kakin.
Chrollo has knowledge of the Succession Contest and the Nen users surrounding it.
It is through this knowledge that he plans to carry out a heist to steal the three Sacred Treasures.
- The “Seed Urn” that is used for participants in the Succession Contest, which activates the whole event and binds the Kakin Princes to a deathmatch until only one remains.
- The “Shrouded-Zen Buddha”, the “Go-Shintai” or Sacred Statue that watches over the Succession Contest. This is a mummified Buddhist priest, who might act as a Nen Guardian Spirit whose power is likely gained through the priest’s post-mortem Nen to maintain the conditions set for the Succession Contest.
- The “Blade of Divine Favor”, the Sacred Sword to be handed down to the Succession Contest winner, the next King of the Kakin Empire
Chrollo is aware that the Royal Family now knows of the Phantom Troupe’s presence but Chrollo notices that the Royal Army and Mafia have not changed their movements in the lower Tiers to account for the Phantom Troupe.
This means that the Sacred Treasures are all in Tier 1 and are even more heavily guarded than the King himself.
Being the Sacred Treasures that dictate Kakin’s destiny and prosperity as a nation, these three items are the ultimate prize for a thief like Chrollo.
Most relevant of all, the heist fulfills the conditions to evolve “Skill Hunter” to its final form and secure Hisoka’s permanent defeat.
Chrollo can only steal this incredibly rare and powerful Nen ability he is after by stealing “something comparable to a national treasure” before fulfilling Skill Hunter’s usual conditions.
The original plan for the Phantom Troupe after dealing with Hisoka is now the very means by which Chrollo can secure a personal victory to end Hisoka’s life for good.
However, Chrollo is feeling two conflicting emotions.
He wants to steal the Sacred Treasures to be ready for the final battle but by attempting the heist, he runs the risk of encountering Hisoka in Tier 1 before he is ready to face him.
In spite of the chance of dying to Hisoka at this point, Chrollo is prepared.
We then see an incredibly terrifying image of Chrollo, his face shrouded in shadow and darkness bearing a grim expression.
Chrollo intends to use the heist to strike fear into the hearts of the world as he had designed for the Phantom Troupe since their childhood.
The orphaned kids of Meteor City who once roleplayed as heroes are now the most feared villains in the stage play of the world.
With the Black Whale heist and the inevitable Mafia War, Chrollo will find immortality through the Spider.
As his form darkens from his intense Ren, Chrollo embraces death, something Melody has noted when hearing his heartbeat.
As the funeral procession continues and heads to the central staircase of Tier 1, Chrollo makes his call again and he has finally found his prey.
“Up above”, that is to say Tier 1.
His target is definitely one of the parties of the Succession War.
Editor’s note: The funeral procession has begun…! The Spider is aiming for up above!!
Chapter 407 will be released on November 18, 2024.