We have entered the new Elbaf arc with Luffy and the Straw Hat crew disappearing. What in One Piece is going on here?

Here are the earliest One Piece chapter spoilers courtesy of Pewpiece
Chapter 1126 is titled, “Payback”
The cover story now shows Yamato discovering that the soba shop girls (Sanguro’s regulars) have disappeared as well.
Throughout the “Oni Child Yamato’s Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage“, we have seen multiple disappearances take place.
Minamoto the Carpenter disappeared in Chapter 1125 and Yamato saw a foiled kidnapping attempt, with the mysterious figure disappearing.
Yamato’s original intent with the “surrogate pilgrimage” was to deliver Shimotsuki Yasuie’s sword to Enma Shrine in Hakumai but now Yamato might look into this mystery as well.
What does the foiled kidnapping of a random woman have to do with Minamoto and the soba squad disappearing?
The chapter begins with a battle between the Red Hair Pirates and Bartolomeo’s Barto Club.
This seems to be quite a tense event, as like Kid, Batolomeo has been defeated by an Emperor of the Sea.
The Red Hair Pirates give them a poison intended to kill Luffy within a month.
Bartolomeo drinks the poison himself to save Luffy from the plot.
However, as it turns out, the poison is fake, meaning not actually fatal, and was done to test his loyalty.
Still, the Barto Club tries to escape from Shanks.
Yasopp shoots them down and their ship explodes in the middle of the sea.
This is rather unusual for Shanks, who once condemned the admiral Aramaki in Chapter 1055 for being a coward in the face of the new generation.
While Kid was a threat to both the One Piece race and the people of Elbaf, Bartolomeo were clearly not any sort of threat to the mighty Shanks or his crew at this time.
Considering the suspicious happenings to come in this chapter and the future, we might get to see more of Shanks.
Those screaming the “Evil Shanks” theory might be happy and this is the closest we have come to that but in all likelihood, Shanks might be weeding out the weak.
We will see.
Teach returns to Hachinosu Island.
This could mean that Shanks has yet to encounter Blackbeard at this time.
Teach is upset with Pizarro for allowing Koby to escape, but he congratulates Kuzan for capturing Garp.
Now we have confirmation that Garp is still alive.
Why would Teach want Garp alive?
As a demonstration or to lure specific people.
Would he be targeting Luffy, knowing that Garp is his grandfather or even Dragon himself?
Another rescue is bound to happen, perhaps?
Maybe Koby might come back but considering his motivation now is to stop Luffy from reaching the One Piece, he might lead SWORD to other priorities and not save the mentor who saved him first.
Two days after the Egghead Island Incident, the Thousand Sunny is gone.
Luffy, Sanji, Nami, Zoro, Chopper, and Usopp are missing.
Robin, Franky, Brook, and Jinbei, together with Bonney, Lilith and the giants, are still on the Elbaf ship, surprised by events.
If you notice, the first six members of the Straw Hat crew are the ones who have disappeared while the newer members remained.
The last time this sort of thing happened, it was during the start of Act 3 of Wano, when the Nine Scabbards (at the time missing Denjiro/Kyojiro) were wading in the stormy waters towards Onigashima without the Straw Hats in Chapter 959, which sets up the Oden flashback that would last until Chapter 973.
However, Luffy did reappear to stop the Beast Pirates’ ambush together with Law and Kid’s crews in Chapter 974.
The pacing of the Oden flashback made the return more tense, so we might wonder how long will be it until we find out where Luffy is.
The chapter ends with Nami waking up in a strange room.
She wears a costume resembling that of a Viking’s, that of the people of Elbaf.
Once again, this chapter is still focused on the outside world, tying up loose ends made.
Egghead Island also began in a similar way with multiple events worldwide happening as the Straw Hats were either nearing Egghead Island or within it.
Nami being found first suggests that we will also figure out if more Straw Hats will be discovered.
The outfit also indicates that the people of Elbaf took here there.
The first guess one would have is the mysterious figure in Chapter 1124, who asks the Straw Hats to “come”.
This could also be a command, to initiate the kidnapping of the first six of the crew, who were likely already on the Sunny, sleeping and unaware.
Which is surprising, considering how guarded Zoro is at night or even while asleep.
One could also consider the role of Prince Loki, judging from his likely inspiration.
It’s also interesting that both the Yamoto cover story and this chapter involve mysterious disappearances.
There will be NO BREAK next week.