Isagi Gives Up? Blue Lock Chapter 280 Spoilers
Back up on the wall of the talented, Isagi is pressured to find a new theory of evolution.

In the previous chapter, Loki manages to stop Kaiser’s amazing free shot, the Kaiser Impact, putting down the budding egoist player.
Chapter 280 is titled, “The Wall of the Talented”
The chapter has 20 pages.
The ball is loose and is taken by Karasu, who passes the ball to Zantetsu and moves at fast speed with Jet counter.
As Yoichi pursues Zantetsu, Isagi thinks about what a genius actually is, seeing how Loki’s superspeed is beyond any “genius” he has known and so he wants to know exactly what a genius is.
He uses Noa and Rin as examples of geniuses, at least when it comes to transcending logic with unimaginable play styles.
Confused about his own place among them, Isagi asks for Noa’s advice, which was to “bring a winning theory”, a previous advice he gave.
Noa looks away from Isagi, saying that he does not feel anything for Isagi since he sees no potential in Isagi to best Noa.
Isagi realizes that geniuses are beyond logic and just play at their natural best.
Isagi, then, only adapts to geniuses and is not a genius himself but a talented learner.
Charles takes the ball and attempts to shoot at the goal but it is taken by Kaiser, who passes it on to Rin.
Even with the other Bastard Munchen players blocking him, Rin pushes forward without regard until he comes across Igaguri.
Angry about Igagumi’s foul play from Chapter 277, Rin tackles him with much force, which earns Rin yet another foul.
However, while Bastard Munchen celebrates, Isagi thinks about how he has always won through logic but now he is an arena full of geniuses, so what will help him adapt through this jungle.
He observes that the geniuses of this field have incredible physical ability (Loki’s superspeed), incomprehensible impulses to score goals (Kaiser Impact), and inhuman philosophies (Noa’s egoism), which makes Isagi despair at the thought of just disappearing into irrelevance.
So now he cannot imagine himself winning.
Jinpachi Ego observes the situation from his monitor, noting that the “wall of the talented” will become his stepping stone, so Ego suggests formulating a new theory of evolution to overcome the illogical.
Chapter 281 is titled “Equation of Evolution” and will be released on October 30, 2024