Yuta is alive (rip Gojo?) but more importantly, is Mei-Mei suggesting there is a new storyline? Hold up!

In the previous Jujutsu Kaisen chapter, Sukuna is finally destroyed for good!
Megumi returns with his friends Yuji and Nobara, who all head to where Yuta is.
Yuta, still stuck in Gojo’s body, is facing a life-threatening situation after having burnt out his cursed technique in the previous battle.
Here are Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 269 spoilers courtesy of Eagle
Chapter 269 is titled, “Examination”
The chapter begins with a flashback of Mei-mei asking for a price to an old shopkeeper at a small candy store on a street corner.
We return to the present and learn that the voice from last chapter, screaming “Yuta, you bastard”, came from Maki.
As it turns out, Yuta is ALIVE.
As Maki scolds Yuta, Megumi greets her, which calms her down.
Megumi still feels dizzy for the effects of Unlimited Void.
While Megumi prepares to apologize for his actions as Sukuna’s vessel, Maki tells him that it is not necessary, which Kusabake agrees with.
Kusakabe tells Yuji and Megumi that he was in favor of executing Yuji if not for Principal Yaga and blames the whole mess on Gojo sparing Yuji, who was a pawn for Kenjaku playing jujutsu terrorist.
However, he believes that no one is really wrong here, seeing each truth as a beautifully woven tapestry to create the present, so he tells the kids to act their age and be carefree instead of feeling guilty.
Yuta explains how he managed to return to his own body.
Although he burned out his cursed technique, Yuta remained connected to his original body thanks to Rika, who left Gojo’s body to heal Yuta’s original body that was being treated by Shoko Ieiri.
Mei-mei is among the people present here and says that this is a small miscalculation, believing that Kenjaku’s technique can be contained even after Yuta opened Gojo’s Unlimited Void.
Kusakabe explains that Kenjaku was able to actively separate his cursed techniques using an advanced application of barrier techniques, which can allow him to use all his collected cursed techniques from a millennium of body-hopping.
This means that Yuta’s Copy could not perform such a feat.
Once his burnt-out cursed technique recovered, Yuta was in a state of suspended animation until he reconnected with Rika, who was his external storage of cursed techniques, he managed to wake up back in his body.
Is it possible that Yuta can use Kenjaku’s technique again, albeit with some practice?
Blame and Regret
We learn why Maki is upset with Yuta and it is because of how he acted during the battle, wishing he had gone all out from the start.
For Maki, she should have been the one leading the attack on Kenjaku. Higurama would go first with his Executioner’s Sword and held the recording of Inumaki’s Cursed Speech for a quick victory against Sukuna.
The narrator clarifies that Cursed Speech cannot be activated more than once simultaneously. Until the recording is played, the technique is considered in use, which means only one tape recorder was allowed.
Todo tells Maki that she is wrong because she is not considered a target of his Boogie-Woogie due to being invisible, having no cursed energy at all to perceive.
Todo also notes that Rika and Yuta were the only ones capable of stopping Kenjaku’s vast swarm of cursed spirits.
Panda adds that if they used it too soon and while Sukuna was much healthier, the backlash would have killed Inumaki.
Indeed, if a target is weakened and not strong enough to protect himself against the Cursed Speech command, the backlash would be less grave, as shown with the recorder’s usage in Chapter 262.
Higurama is ALSO ALIVE, coming out to confirm that Sukuna was only toying with him and was easily capable of killing him.
Since Cursed Speech is so easy to counter, Higurama found the best timing to use it within Yuta’s Domain Expansion, without anyone else to interfere or be affected by it.
If Higurama used it in his Domain Expansion: Deadly Sentencing, Cursed Speech would not have worked since there is no violence permitted.
Kusakabe is incredibly impressed by how Higurama, who has only been a sorcerer for two months is alive and kicking after the damage he sustained.
However, when Maki brings up the foreigners, Miguel and Larue, who are in the area, everyone gangs up on Yuta.
Yuta explains that they initially refused to join up.
Yuji tries to defend Yuta, saying his cursed tools helped hide his fingers. Maki is annoyed again as she suggests that he could have used gloves from Homac, a hardware chain in Japan.
It also seems that Hakari was inside Rika, which was how they got the jump on Sukuna after Kashimo arrived.
We see what seems to be a form of Rika and the insides containing all the monitors that allowed everyone to watch the fight between Gojo and Sukuna, hence why they could react immediately after his loss.
Hakari credits Yuta for carrying the whole Sukuna raid, as he ensured they could harass Sukuna more easily.
Todo feels bad as even though he and Mei-mei were prepared for Sukuna’s Malevolent Shrine, they were not able to save Choso and Yuji.
Kirara wonders if that is a range issue but Todo explains that Sukuna’s cursed energy was far too powerful in the eye of his domain and so Yuji and Choso could not be salvaged from there.
Ino says he was in the eye as well yet Ui-ui was able to teleport him out and so he regrets not saving Choso.
Yuji tells Ino not to make regrets as the former would have died if Choso was not there to save Yuji and that it is no one’s fault at the end of the day.
Maki tries to clarify that she is not blaming Yuta, since she did get hit by two Black Flashes from Sukuna but simmers down, dispelling the issue.
Miwa expresses her frustration at not helping, even if she was under orders from Kusakabe not to. It seems her binding vow was in effect.
However, Miwa was able to protect Maki from Sukuna’s Malevolent Shrine slashes in Chapter 259 using her Simple Domain.
Momo apologizes for not doing anything but Mei-mei reveals that she rode on Momo’s broom
Hakari wished to fight Sukuna after his date with Uraume while Nobara was asleep for most of the Culling Game anyway.
Simple Domain Explainer
Ui-ui comes in and declares that he was the MVP of the Shinjuku Showdown as their teleporter.
Kirara points out that Ui-ui left them behind but Ui-ui calls them heavy, leading to Hakari restraining Kirara before they could grab Ui-ui.
Kusakabe calls out Mei-mei for not contributing much but Ui-ui reveals that she was dealing with the “New Shadows” issue.
Mei-mei sits down and tells everyone that she has no monetary worth and cannot be exchanged for anything.
As it turns out, Mei-mei was responsible for undoing the binding vow that prevents outsiders from using Simple Domain, something that was hinted at in Chapter 258.
As we know, Simple Domain cannot be used by anyone outside of the students of the New Shadow School, among them being Kusakabe and Miwa.
Kusakabe explains that the original creator, Ashiya Sadatsuna, created that binding vow with the intention of Simple Domain being inaccessible to curse users, as in the enemies of jujutsu society.
Over the generations, the school has become less visible and only invites disciples who abide by their unreasonable restrictions.
The school is, after all, a sanctuary for sorcerers without cursed techniques, such as Kusakabe,
However, we have seen many sorcerers copy the Simple Domain.
Todo can use Simple Domain because Yuki Tsukumo taught him how to use it in Mechamaru’s style.
What makes the Simple Domain hard to teach is that within the binding vow, it is stipulated that students are unable to refuse the head of the school when they ask us to mobilize.
However, the most troublesome part is not obedience to the school head but the lifespan.
Mei-mei explains that the binding vow does not feel like jujutsu but a curse upon its users as there is a rumor that the head of the school absorbs the users’ lifespans.
The New Shadow School is also set up in a way that no one can identify its head, hence why there is no way to tell if there is a lifespan contract or how it works.
There are also older people in the school still able to use Simple Domain and older people in Jujutsu Kaisen in general.
To note, there have been many older people who live beyond the expected life expectancy, a commentary of Japanese longevity but also an observation with characters like the Kamo elder Shino, whom Kenjaku manipulated with some barrier technique to think he lived in the world from 150 years ago (exactly when Noritoshi Kamo was an active menace).
Only the best disciple is able to succeed as head of the school but only the successor chosen by the head is made aware of it, meaning there is no way to confirm or deny the allegations.
Kusakabe explains that only the head can undo the binding vow of the New Shadow School and no one has any information on the head, to the best of his knowledge.
Except that now Kusakabe is the new head of the Shadow School, which means the binding vow and lifespan contract are no longer a concern and it explains why the Simple Domain could taught safely to Yuji, Choso, Ino and anyone who did not have any ties to the New Shadow School.
Mei-mei jokingly says that when Ui-ui will someday succeed as the school head, he can extract a monthly tuition fee.
Ui-ui does have a mastery of barrier techniques, having used that to great effect during the Shibuya Incident against the Smallpox Deity.
Mei-mei lifts her little brother up in sheer joy, telling everyone that the jujutsu world should enter the subscription age.
A New Era
We switch back to a flashback , which we now know takes place a month ago, of Mei-mei’s conversation with the old lady is actually about the latter’s life.
The old woman is surprised that Mei-mei thinks that she is the head of the clan but Mei-mei answers that she has someone who informed her about this knowledge.
Mei-mei exposes the old lady’s motivation to gather enough disciples in the New Shadow School to eventually rise to match the Three Great Houses (Zen’in, Kamo, and Gojo) and dominate jujutsu society with headquarters.
The old lady realizes that the person who told Mei-mei was none other than Tengen.
Mei-mei further explains that it must have taken centuries for the old woman to realize this ambition but she finally saw Kenjaku’s Culling Game as the perfect chance because of the fall of the Zen’in family, which would lead into the Kamo and Gojo clans being at war with each other or declining.
This did happen in Chapter 191 when the Kamo were taken over by Kenjaku, who used to possess Noritoshi Kamo.
To contrast the old coins on the old shopkeeper’s table, Mei-mei then shows off her credit card and tells the old lady that there are things more precious than money but one cannot protect people without funds.
Mei-mei laments how there could have been many sorcerers who lived had the Simple Domain binding vow not come to place.
This seems to imply something personal, as as if Mei-mei is angry that these restrictions either caused her personal grief or are an affront to the work of jujutsu sorcerers, who sacrifice their lives to protect the world from curses.
The chapter ends with Mei-mei surrounding the shop with crows, killing the old lady.
Mei-mei ends the chapter, saying that it was inevitable that the old shopkeeper would die, as she was about to turn her beloved brother Ui-ui into “damaged goods”.
Keep in mind that the New Shadow School head was sucking the life out of her disciples, including Ui-ui.
Ui-ui was using all his cursed energy for the sake of Mei-mei out of love for her and when Mei-mei realized that someone was actually draining her brother’s life while he was performing his duty to her, she moved heaven and earth, even acquiring information from Tengen, just to save her brother.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Well, the price is life [There are only 2 chapters left until the end of the story!!!]
This feels like the end of Jujutsu Kaisen is setting up a whole other story in the future but at this point, with how many character stories, esp the main three, being resolved, there is no telling what will happen next.
Chapter 270 will be released on September 23, 2024.