Chihiro on Trial! Kagurabachi Chapter 46 SPOILERS
Chihiro is on trial before the Kamunabi

Kagurabachi Chapter 46 is titled, “Selfish Bastard”
Bearded Kamunabi: Rokuhira Chihiro, step forward…
Chihiro and the rest walk in.
Shiba: The higher-ups all have their own ideas about how to use Rokuhira’s Enchanted Blades, but at least for now their objectives align: to retrieve ALL of the blades. The argument between what to do with you and the Enten might get heated. Don’t worry, though. Whatever happens, Azami will be there to protect you. If I go, it’d definitely cause a whole load of complications, so I’ll lay low. As a matter of fact, I ended up hitting those two because of a matter considering Rokuhira.
Ear Kamunabi: I don’t really see the resemblance. This one’s a lot manlier than the other one..
Blonde Kamunabi: We haven’t confirmed him as his son yet
Piercing Kamunabi (thinking): (That looks so like him..)
Beard Kamunabi: We shall begin now. What we will decide on is—
How to handle you and the Enten. You want to meet the former wielders as a way to outsmart the Hishaku?
The scene switches to Kokugoku-Onsen
Beard Kamunabi: The Sanso was created to hide the owners of each individual life-long contract with the Enchanted Blades and is staffed with a plethora of the Kamunabi’s highest-ranking sorcerers. It would be a rather difficult task to defeat them, even if one were to possess an Enchanted Blade.
Goth Kamunabi: The reason why there’s a strict policy for the wielders is to prevent any outsider’s hands from even getting close to touching them.
Pencil-stache Kamunabi: People not aware or affiliated with them would obviously not be allowed to meet them.
Blond Kamunabi: Rokuhira’s son. Did you take the blood test yet?
We see blood samples tested.
(not sure who speaks here): It’s being done as we speak. Although, the results would only be complete by tomorrow,.
Ear Kamunabi: Then it’d be fine to hold this meeting tomorrow, no?! (There’s no point in continuing..)
(not sure who speaks here): But that we cannot do. As of right now, the Shinuchi is only under a temporary seal.
Gremlin Kamunabi: That won’t keep its true power at bay for long, and if we’re moving onto the “Primary sealing”, I would prefer we do it immediately. For that to happen, we need to be sure that your method of “breaking the deadlock” and outwitting the Hishaku will work. “Get in contact with the wielder, transfer the blades”…And that man the key to that?
Gremlin Kamunabi: So it’s your sorcery, isn’t it? I want to see it in action.
Hakuri: ..Ah!
Hiyuki: We can’t show it to you now.
A flashback shows Tafuku exchanging a tag.
Tafuku: As a test, try putting this in the warehouse to see if it works (book reads ‘main seal’)
Hakuri: ..Sure thing!
He starts bleeding profusely. We cut to a car parked outside.
Tafuku: ..Hey, he fainted, he fainted! Hakuri!!!
Back to the present
Tafuku: His sorcery only “awakened” yesterday. Regardless, the two are overworked and need much rest.
Hakuri: I’ll be back to normal in a few days’ time!
Hiyuki: This guy’s ability is very useful. I can confirm, I saw it with my own eyes. But what really annoys me is his stance: this guy’s not steering the ship. He is…
Hiyuki points at Chihiro. So does the Gremlin Kamunabi.
Gremlin Kamunabi: Then it’s still you who we should be discussing: whether or not to let you see the former wielders. Or in simpler words: can you be trusted?
Blonde Kamunabi: Hey.. what happened with the Cloud Gouger?
Chihiro …It broke. For good.
Pencil-stache and Blonde Kamunabi sigh in exasperation.
Blonde Kamunabi: Not a good start. I knew we couldn’t trust you. But let’s just say that hypothetically, you are Rokuhira’s son. You must know someone from here. Rokuhira Kunishige has been hiding in the mountains with the help of a few people in this room. Did you live with him too?
Chihiro: Yes. But I was brought there at my dad’s discretion: I don’t know anyone here.
Blonde Kamunabi: Well, whatever you want to call it then… Well then, Rokuhira’s —
Chihiro: There’s no point in talking about my background anymore. Just call me whatever you wish.
Ear Kamunabi snaps his fingers in shock.
Chihiro: You can instead evaluate me from the perspective of what I’ve done and achieved, not by who I am. I took down Sojou, I destroyed the Rakuzaichi, and I took away the Shinuchi. Did any of that ever happen to you people? You also happen to save a lot of money that you were ready to throw away.
Ear Kamunabi: He’s got a point.
Hiyuki raises her hand.
Hiyuki: If you think this guy would go and harm the owners, just say the word.
Hiyuki: But see, I can declare that not to be the case. That guy only ever cuts up bad people.
Chihiro seems surprised
Gas Mask Kamunabi: She would go so far as to say that..?
Ear Kamunabi: Damn, that’s good! I want to be acknowledged by Hiyuki too..!
Hiyuki: You’re a creep, old man.
Tafuku and Hakuri fist-bump
Also Hiyuki has a derp face.
Blond Kamunabi rises from his seat
Blond Kamunabi: Recognition for what you’ve done? Sounds good. The recognition i’ll give you is…of a selfish bastard. Tell me, if you’re going to collect ALL of the Enchanted Blades, then what’s the plan after? Just.. hand it over to us real nicely?
Chihiro starts to sweat
Blond Kamunabi: There’s no need for a blood test. You’re absolutely Rokuhira’s son. Selfish and arrogant. Now, here’s a way out.
His arm unleashes energy, with beads floating.
Blond Kamunabi: By killing you. And the Enten would be given to someone more suitable in the Kamunabi itself. Perfect for “serving the Kamunabi’s best interest”.. don’t you think?
The door opens
Newcomer: I am sorry to intrude! B-but right now.. The ‘Box of Shame’, Kokugoku is… IS UNDER ATTACK!
Blond Kamunabi: About the attack.. Is everyone alright?
Newcomer: Reports confirm multiple people showcasing signs of Spirit Energy Physical Manifestations, similar to those of the Enchanted Blades and…
Total destruction..
Kamunabi: …You—
Newcomer: And there’s been a sighting of one more person on the scene. A man with a flame crest on the back of their hand, has been spotted.
We see the man’s hand and crest.
Kamunabi: The Hishaku..!
Chihiro starts sweating
Pencil Stache: Did the owner.. Did Uruha get killed?
Chihiro (thinking): So this is their next move.. Killing the owners directly..
Newcomer: Confirmed to be still alive.
Gremlin Kamunabi: Multiple spirit power-specific physical manifestations? Such a thing can’t…
Chihiro (thinking): But it can..!
They have multiple (of those!)
Why go through the all trouble of giving it to Sojou?
Then Chihiro speaks
Chihiro: They were well-prepared and ready for this. Other owners will be attacked as well, in due time. It’s true. I certainly don’t hold any specific thoughts of handing over the swords to the Kamunabi, or anyone else for that matter. After recovery, you and I will return to being enemies. So why not let someone else, like me have it? If I obey the Kamunabi, it’s a wise decision for it holds almost little to no risk for you. But we don’t have much time. You wouldn’t be able to master the Enten-blade in just a day’s time, at least to the degree that I can. What you and I both need now, is an immediate asset…
Chihiro (still sweating): Place your bets on me!
Flashback of Rokuhira Kunishige being on trial as well, presumably saying the same thing
Blond Kamunabi: This brat.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Gas Mask Kamunabi: Hey, quit it.
Ear Kamunabi: See, that’s a good look. Definitely confirms him as Rokuhira’s son in my books.
Beard Kamunabi: Uncuff him.
Blond Kamunabi: What..!? Have you gone mad?!
Beard Kamunabi: The man speaks of truth. We’re in a race against time. There’s not even enough time for selecting a new owner, if we so wished, he and the Hishaku already made contact and had “dialogue”. And they have now forced upon us an “issue”.. Rokuhira Chihiro, I will accept you temporarily. But I won’t let you do as you please with the Enchanted Blades.
Chihiro nods nervously
Azami sighs in relief.
Beard Kamunabi: Following up on that: the Former Wielder is still alive.
We see the man in question escape.
Beard Kamunabi: The man has escaped from his ‘box of shame’, and is currently on the run. We will provide you with all the necessary guidance, but in return you must join his side immediately, and protect his very life itself.
Editor’s note: This is a chance to grab the next issue, cover, and lead color page!