Samura’s Daughter! Kagurabachi Chapter 61 Spoilers!!
Samura’s one weakness will determine the victor of Kagurabachi’s cold war.

In the previous Kagurabachi chapter, Chihiro is actually alive and joins the Masumi as the anti-Samura squad. What will be their first mission?
Kagurabachi Chapter 61 is titled, “Night Warfare”.
This chapter has 19 pages.
Editor’s note: “The crossing opinions of one another”
The chapter cover shows three Enchanted Blades and their tsubas. Crossing each other.
The tsuba to the left is Chihiro Rokuhira’s Enten.
The tsuba to the upper right is Seiichi Samura’s Tobimune.
The tsuba to the lower right is Hiruhiko’s Kumeyuri.
Editor’s note: “A leisure stay at the cafe..?!”
November 13th: 11:20 AM
The chapter begins with the four people in suits eating outside, as the Masumi captain tells Chihiro that the latter is now their leader.
There is still no update on Uruha’s autopsy.
There is an ongoing information blockade between the three parties: the Kamunabi, the Hishaku, and Samura.
Between Hishaku and Samura, which is an information trade deal, the location and other relevant information on the remaining 2 wielders and the Sword Saint is still under wraps.
The Kamunabi are also preventing any information on Chihiro and Uruha from being leaked and apparently they also want to keep Chihiro in the dark, likely to prevent either another Samura from rising or Samura himself from learning more about the Kamunabi’s movements.
The Hishaku are barely even doing anything, such that it feels like what happened prior was nothing but rumors but the older Masumi commends the captain for finding any information since the Hishaku have been in hiding for 4 years.
With noon at this point, the Masumi have their chance to trail Samura’s spirit energy, seeing that the Owl, which likely works at night, is for tracking Enchanted Blades.
This means that as soon as Enten is unsheathed, then Samura will aim for the kill, which is what the Masumi and Kamunabi want as Samura is the first threat to eliminate.
However, the captain remarks that while Samura is the immediate danger, Samura is also the only person who can actually put pressure on the Hishaku and directly challenge them.
The Masumi are concerned that the Hishaku can move as they please and easily hurt civilians.
Seeing the possibility of more collateral damage like in the theater battle with Hiruhiko, the Masumi captain suggests another method.
Meanwhile at Kamunabi Headquarters, the Blondbeard Kamunabi member reveals that Samura has one weakness: his daughter.
The Kamunabi intend to kidnap the girl to make Samura submit to their authority.
The other Kamunabi member worries about the ethics but Blondbeard begins telling a story from 2 yars ago.
Which continues into Chihiro and the Masumi’s conversation, where the paper the captain shows has the headline “Sudden heart failure”.
Chihiro is surprised to learn that Samura even had a daughter.
The captain explains that Samura had been divorced for a while now.
The captain brings up how Chihiro was killed once by Samura, so he considers that maybe Samura is intent on “killing” the Enchanted Blade wielders to prevent danger from coming to them.
The male Masumi reveals that under Samura, the ninja were hired to fake the daughter’s death
After the death of Chihiro’s father three years ago, the Kamunabi’s effort to “fully protect” the lifelong contractors included protecting their families.
Samura was against this arrangement and also did not want to let the Kamunabi use her as leverage against him.
Chihiro worries about kidnapping her like how the Kamunabi plan to do so but the captain assures him that they will not do that.
However, the captain notes that the Hishaku might plan to take Samura’s daughter to prevent him from turning against them. They might have already suspected that her death was faked.
Apparently, as a means to protect herself, the girl has cast sorcery upon herself so that no one can recognize her as the daughter of Seiichi Samur, such that even the girl does not know her own identity as Samura’s daughter even though she knows Samura in person.
The captain is worried that even with all the protection, since the Hishaku were able to kill Kunishige Rokuhira and breach the Shinuchi’s seal, revealing a higher level of sorcery that they are unable to prepare for yet.
The female Masumi is the one who is able to sense the seal placed on the daughter.
Chihiro asks where she could be and we cut to a fish market in Kyoto.
We meet two Hishaku members, a tall man with a sword on his back named Kuguri and a girl dressed in black.
It seems that the thing on his back is an Enchanted Blade and he is bringing it with him in the spirit of “deepening his understanding” just like the late Genichi Sojou did with Cloud Gorger.
Furthermore, judging from the location, this is near Sushi Subaru, the former hideaway of Subaru, the former wielder name-dropped in the last chapter.
However, Kuguri points out that he has a different target in mind instead of Subaru, who might be the previous owner of the blade he has behind him.
So, Kuguri is after the female wielder, hidden in a shrine and comments that it is a “one-sided love”, which his female partner finds gross. Considering Kyoto is the shrine capital of Japan, this might be where she is located.
Kuguri is reminded that Yura reminded all Hishaku members that it is “about time”, which means the Hishaku will need to kill all the lifelong contractors before Samura does.
Within this one week period, an all-out war between multiple factions will break.
Kuguri blames Hiruhiko for the whole thing as it was his failure against Chihiro that allowed Tobimune to return to Samura and forced him to act and rush
We also learn that Hiruhiko cannot use his Enchanted Blade Kumeyuri yet.
Meaning, even though the Hishaku have some form of sorcery for healing lost limbs, they still need time to be adjusted, which means Hiruhiko is stuck making origami to get used to the feeling of his new arms.
Kuguri just wants to cut down someone but the pair are sent to kidnap the daughter of Samura.
The chapter ends as we are introduced to Samura’s daughter, who is attending school.
Editor’s note: “The daughter of Samura, integrated into society..”
Takeru Hokazono’s comment: “The correct reading of the Masumi, is in fact Masumi. There were typos on both Chapters 55 & 56, so sorry about that. Anyway, enjoy the release of Vol. 5!”
Kagurabachi Chapter 62 will be released on December 23, 2024.