The Hishaku Find Samura’s Daughter! Kagurabachi Chapter 62 Spoilers!
Iori, Samura’s daughter, now finds herself in a sticky situation as the Hishaku are already onto her.

In the previous Kagurabachi chapter, we learn of the existence of Samura’s daughter, who will learn more of here.
Kagurabachi Chapter 62 is titled, “Iori”.
This chapter has 19 pages.
Editor’s note: “Another morning greets the girl whose memory of being Samura’s daughter was wiped..”
The chapter begins with a dream-like experience of Samura’s daughter holding hands with someone, who calls out her name.
The alarm clock rings to greet the girl to the new morning.
Her mother greets her a good morning, having finished changing into her school uniform.
Iori remarks that it is startling how her father disappeared long before she was born and that she was raised purely by a woman.
While they eat breakfast together, the television shows a news report of Chihiro’s “attack” on the nearby Kabuki Theater on November 9th, which took place in Chapter 52: “Just the Two of Us”.
Once again, we have indications of Kagurabachi’s unusual and vague timeline.
The Seitei War sounds like an alternative world way of encountering the Americans or Europeans that disrupted the isolationism of Japan.
No one has used guns but instead rely on swords and sorcery.
Most of the buildings are quite traditional but also blend with some Western-style buildings that existed around the early-1900s.
However, most characters use flip phones and even have access to computers and television.
Perhaps this is an intentional blend of time periods to show that Kagurabachi’s world developed differently from our own.
In school, Iori greets her classmates and looks up at the sky, which has still been dark for the past three days.
No one realizes this was due to Samura’s Owl technique that he cast in Chapter 59: “Blackout”
Tobimune, or specifically, Samura, is powerful enough to blanket most of Japan in darkness for three days.
This means we are still on November 13 as Samura casts “Owl” on November 10, the day after he supposedly killed Chihiro.
Due to the unexpected blackout (see what I did there), schools took a sudden two-day break.
As every student is seated, the male teacher informs everyone that the Kamunabi have confirmed that there is no danger from recent events and thus classes can continue as normal.
This indicates that the Kamunabi are an officially-sanctioned government police force and not just the government agency for sorcerers.
Among the whispers, one boy, Ikura, screams that it is the end of the world.
Which is quite a normal reaction if the sky looks like a black void with a weird swirl pattern for a moon.
This boy had lines on his left side that formed into a cross shape and had a rather prominent chin.
Ikura expressed surprise at seeing the mark on his face.
A lot of sorcerers have noticeable facial marks, like the Hishaku and Sazanami Clan.
This could mean that Ikura might have awakened his Spirit Energy but that is just speculation.
One girl noted that Ikura’s marks resemble the scars on Chihiro.
Ikura seems to act delusional and that these marks were a sign of a divinely-appointed mission that would determine the world’s fate.
The girl remarked that Chihiro was close to their age, which made him a little cool and it makes Iori think that Ikura is just copying the mystery man.
Iori calls out Chihiro for being a murderer, which further proves Hiruhiko’s point even though Chihiro did not actually kill anyone except upon landing, he was shown landing with the decapitated Datenseki fodder, which caused the crowd to panic and thus cement Chihiro’s public reputation.
Ikura covers his ears, indicating that he thinks Chihiro is cool and not a murderer.
The girl asks about Iori’s dream, which Iori struggles to remember and thinks it is important since the dream happened three nights in a row.
The girl makes the connection to the blackout of the sky three days ago.
We see a lock visualized. That is important.
Although still in his delusion, Ikura tells Iori that sleeping disorders could be a sign of something like stress or dissatisfaction.
When Iori thinks about how the sky right now feels, Iori imagines Samura holding her hand when she was still a child but she is still unable to see his face.
Now Iori realizes that the sky might have a unique effect on her.
Perhaps summoning Owl for the first time since grasping the blade unwittingly broke the Sorcery cast on Iori to suppress her memories of Samura.
But the girl tells Iori that it could be nothing since people were just panicking about it.
However, from outside the school, Kuguri stands and stares at exactly where Iori was seated, which Iori takes notice of apprehensively.
A teacher tries to stop Kuguri and he kills the man immediately.
Iori calls for her classmates to get down as Kuguri jumps through the window, breaking the glass and causing the shards to hit Iori, who is now bleeding profusely.
Kuguri and his female partner appear as Kuguri confirms that this is the 2nd year classroom and asks around for Samura’s daughter.
The Hishaku girl notes that Samura’s daughter has definitely changed her name and her photos have been altered to hide her.
The Hishaku girl approaches one of the female students and uses her dark-pained fingernail to cut her cheek. She licks off the blood, which would allow her to identify that person.
So, she was sent on this mission because her Sorcery tracks people through blood.
Kuguri is disgusted by this method.
The Hishaku girl asks Kuguri to gather all the girls and not kill them to find who among them is Samura’s daughter.
One of the boys calls out Kuguri for causing this ruckus and threatening to kill everyone.
Iori monologues about how the boy should have kept quiet to avoid trouble.
Kuguri asks if it is okay to kill the boys, as if in response to the provocation, and the Hishaku girl gives the green light.
Kuguri prepares to kill the random boy but Iori stands in the way, with the sword reaching her face.
Kuguri is impressed that Iori actually believed in the Hishaku girl’s words about not killing the girls, which propels him to ask his partner to check Iori’s blood.
Iori panics as Kuguri threatens to kill the boy once he confirms that Iori is Samura’s daughter, making the situation worse.
Suddenly, the Masumi captain shows up on the classroom door and Chihiro sneaks up behind Kuguri, who managed to evade Enten.
Later, we see that the Masumi have dragged Iori away from the classroom and the captain scolds Iori for doing something dumb.
This reminds the captain of Samura’s own recklessness, which sort of confirms the paternity.
Iori is surprised to see that her rescuer is a child.
The Masumi captain wonders if the Owl is affecting the seal but finds that impossible since Iori has no memory of Samura and there is nothing to trigger a response from.
Thinking about everything that has happened, how her dreams began three days ago, Iori’s dissatisfaction with the status quo, Iori tells the captain that she has always been like this, always forgetting something so important and dear to her, meaning she has always had this sensation in spite of the Sorcery.
Iori asks the captain to tell her the truth and the captain realizes that her memories of Samura truly have been repressed but she holds the desire to break from the seal nevertheless.
The captain thinks to himself, saying that Samura should not have underestimate children like this.
Returning to the girl, the captain tells Iori that the truth will have to wait, only that the Hishaku are after Iori and that the Masumi are assigned to protect her, thus Iori’s daily peaceful life has been put on pause.
Editor’s note: “Those memories becoming looser with the seal, her peace is completely broken..!”
Weekly Shonen Jump is on a holiday break, meaning Kagurabachi Chapter 63 might release on January 6, 2024.