Life Goes on for Ruby! The End of Oshi no Ko! Oshi no Ko Chapter 166 Spoilers!!
Oshi no Ko has finally ended. What do you guys think?

In the previous chapter, the police learn the extent of Kamiki’s crimes, Kana mourns deeply for Aqua’s death, and it seems Ruby might perform again even after her immense loss.
Let us find out together what the finale holds.
Here are brief chapter spoilers courtesy of d0nut2xÂ
The final color page of Oshi no Ko features Ai Hoshino, the woman who started it all.
The chapter has 25 pages.
Akane once more acts as the narrator for the epilogue of this bittersweet story as she relays what happened afterwards.
Remarking how the world is cruel, Akane narrates how Ruby couldn’t stop crying after Aqua’s death.
However, in spite of her mourning, Ruby pushed through the tears with determination to perform.
Mem becomes dispirited so she considered quitting but was scolded by Kana.
The three members of B-Komachi reunite and the girls watch on as Pion trained with tears in his eyes, Taiki quietly swept the grave, and Kana confronted and warded off paparazzi harassing Ruby.
With a murderer father and a brother who drowned, people believed Ruby had a story worth telling and they became captivated by it.
As Aqua and Ruby’s adopted mother, Miyake pulled herself together
B-Komachi continued as normal and so do the rest.
Kana maximizes her efforts in acting while Akane continues getting into variety shows but surprise pranks no longer faze her.
The dome performance has come, with B-Komachi bringing in two other girls, while Akane and Kana cheered from the audience.
Ruby stands out the most on stage, acting as “the morning star that illuminated the darkness”
Her brightness inspires a little girl who was hidden in the shadow of the stage, inspiring more lives like her own, past and present.
At 5:30 in the morning, we see that on Ruby’s desk were Aqua and Ai-themed merchandise.
Ruby ends the chapter and Oshi no Ko series with her words:
“Off to work again today! Even though every day is filled with lies, no matter how painful, I have to smile on stage, but this job brings unparalleled joy. This is the future illuminated by you two for me. Here I go!”
The end.