The Jujutsu Kaisen trio is so back. Goodbye Sukuna!

In the previous chapter, we learn that Nobara is alive all this time and her Resonance lands significant damage to allow Yuji Itadori to deal the final blow that finishes off Sukuna.
Here are chapter spoilers courtesy of Myamura
Chapter 268 is titled, “Conclusion.”
The chapter begins with Sukuna and Megumi together. Sukuna talks to Megumi’s soul, reminding him of his sins and that he can never return to a normal life, even though Tsumiki’s death was Sukuna’s fault.
“How dare you try to live on!” Sukuna tells Megumi, “You allowed me to take your body. You killed your own sister. You even rejected a hand offered to save you.”
The panel turns black and we see Sukuna in a black blob form with his eyes and mouths looming over Megumi, who is looking down.
Sukuna tells Megumi to give up living a proper life.
Megumi talks back to Sukuna, whose massive black form begins to fade and crack
“Why are you so desperate?” Megumi tells the curse and makes him see that, if he is peeled off by Itadori, Sukuna will die.
Megumi then taunts Sukuna, telling him that Resonance will surely do significant damage to him.
If the 19 of 20 fingers are destroyed, then the final finger will not connect to his soul and break off due to the effects of Resonance.
Megumi expresses glee, relieved to know that even the mighty King of Curse is afraid of death.
Megumi concludes with, “I never intended to live a proper life from the start. It’s a given, but there’s so many more people other than yourself in the world. I think I’ll try to live for someone else one more time .”
As Yuji’s domain crumbles on top of the building, Megumi and Sukuna fully separate.
Sukuna screams in agony as his reincarnation is finally undone.
Sukuna appears as a mass of fingers with the center containing his mouth and an eye on the hand appendage. Sukuna’s “hand” attempts to reach out to Megumi but begins to crumble and falls down on the rooftop.
Yuji looks down on the curse form of Sukuna, resembling a fleshy parasite that is slowly shrinking.
Yuji asks the curse, “What’ll you do, Sukuna?”
We cut to a flashback to the time inside Yuji’s domain expansion, where Yuji asked Sukuna to release Megumi and return to his body and he will spare him.
Yuji invokes the line: “Sukuna, you are me.”
Yuji brings the curse residuals into his hands
Yuji: You were born bearing a curse without even knowing it. The monsters we become depend on our circumstances. It just so happens that I had my grandpa. Sukuna… So lets try one more time…
Not to curse someone, but to live with someone. Even if no one else accepts you, I can live on with you even by myself.
Sukuna is enraged at Yuji’s words of sympathy, his soul rising like steam.
Sukuna: I’ll commend you for playing the fool to the very end, Yuji Itadori….!! Don’t underestimate me… I’m a “Curse” after all!
Sukuna’s residuals fade away.
This exchange is a reference to Itadori’s final battle with Mahito.
Yuji’s words of compassion were the exact words Yuji used on a frightened Mahito after defeating him.
“You are me,” he said once, promising to hunt him down for his sins for eternity.
The tone changes when directed to Sukuna, however.
Sukuna’s final words are ironically a reference to Mahito’s line in the Shibuya Incident in Chapter 126 after seemingly killing Nobara, declaring himself a Curse to Yuji.
Meanwhile, we finally return to Hakari and Uraume’s fight.
Uraume feels Sukuna’s defeat from afar.
Uraume’s monk robes are gone.
Hakari asks what will Uraume do now.
Uraume says, “I already told you, its the ‘end’. Now, there’s no meaning to anything anymore.”
But Uraume is in denial of Sukuna’s defeat, saying that the only logical reason why Lord Sukuna could ever be defeated was because he was in an “incarnated” body.
Uraume delivers quite a cold line, “You all were just lucky. You were spared by being born a thousand years too late.”
Hakari, the Gambler, takes this as a compliment from a worthy opponent
Hakari remarks, saying, “I was just lucky huh… That’s the highest praise I could receive.”
Uraume’s body slowly crumbles and they smirk as the iceberg shatters.
It seems Uraume has chosen to go out in their own terms, unlike their master, who was helplessly left to fade away.
Some time passes and we see Megumi awaken in a room as he asks Yuji and Nobara what they are up to.
We see Nobara hiding in a box and Yuji helps her with the prank, in reference to Yuji announcing that he was alive and of course, the events of the last chapter with Nobara announcing her survival as she used Resonance on Sukuna’s final finger.
Nobara and Yuji say together, “A Kugisaki Survival Surprise… “
The three sit together.
Nobara complains about how she, the class’s Madonna, was not given the spotlight for her return. Nobara expected the boys to be wet themselves in surprise or cry tears of joy.
Yuji says that he did cry a little when the Resonance was hit. Megumi says he was not really surprised since he saw everything that happened inside Sukuna
It seems the two boys brush off how Nobara could still be alive, similar to how Nobara and Megumi were not taken by surprise when Yuji returned to life in the Kyoto Goodwill Event.
Yuji then takes out two letters written by Gojo. Yuji says Shoko gave them to him.
Nobara finds it weird that Gojo would write letters for anyone.
Megumi notices that there are only two letters. Yuji reveals that he did not get one because he already talked to Gojo before the final fight.
Nobara reads her letter and instantly crushes it.
Nobara says the letter revealed that Gojo knew of her mother’s whereabouts, something she did not want to know about in the first place.
Nobara asks if Megumi acquired some kind of Special Grade status but as he reads the letter, Megumi cracks out laughing.
Yuji and Nobara are curious in seeing Megumi laughing and try to read his letter but they are left speechless by the contents.
Megumi laughing gets focus in the page as the letter is shown and it simply said:
“Unfortunately your father isn’t around anymore- because I killed him!! Sorry!!”
Gojo’s signature is his chibi face.
Gojo’s two letters seem to be about the whereabouts of our two protagonists’ missing parents, one helpful but rejected and one humorous.
A clock ticks.
The trio stand up and prepare to leave.
Nobara then says they have to meet up with Maki and everyone else. Nobara tells Megumi that he should show up too.
Nobara also tells Megumi to attend. Megumi says he has to apologize and thank everyone.
Megumi is confused, so Yuji tells him that it’s about Yuta.
Yuji says they need to save Yuta’s life, since Yuta was last seen collapsing in Gojo’s body after the copy of Kenjaku’s cursed technique expired faster than anticipated.
We see Maki, Toge, Panda, Kusakabe, Miwa and Momo walking together.
Someone screams, saying, “YUTA, YOU DAMN BASTARD”
Megumi wonders if this is what saving Yuta is supposed to be like.
Editor’s Comment: Is Okkutsu alright?! Three more chapters until the finale!
There will be a BREAK next week.