
METAL BAT AT HIS PEAK! One Punch Man WEBCOMIC Chapter 152 Spoilers!!

Is Metal Bat about to become the next Garou?

metal bat one punch man
ONE PUNCH MAN © 2009 by ONE, Yusuke Murata/SHUEISHA Inc.

In the previous One Punch Man Webcomic chapter, released on October 31, 2024, Blue recovers from Saitama’s punch and Isami arrests Bofoi (Metal Knight).

One Punch Man Webcomic Chapter 152 has 31 pages.

This chapter begins with the interrogation of Neo-Heroes’ former Human Resources Manager Mccoy, who has had enough of the Neo-Heroes’ questionable activities, and was detained for overruling the Neo-Heroes’ leader Fuzzy’s decisions and freeing Metal Bat.

Mccoy denies knowing anything about what the Heroes Association is doing but A says that Mccoy cannot be trusted and asks Fuzzy if he can use his Neo Leader powers on Mccoy.

Fuzzy says he is tired of seeing Mccoy, especially since he has no body modifications or battle suits that would make him useful.

Thinking about how the Neo-Heroes are putting “the plan” into motion, A makes a ghastly remark, saying that it was good he confirmed with his boss and decides to torture Mccoy without killing him.

Fuzzy does not mind letting Mccoy die but he intends to use the man’s corpse to lure out the remaining Heroes Association executive in the Neo Heroes’ plan to destroy the Association completely.

Fuzzy expresses surprise that Mccoy would still work for the Heroes Association that the latter constantly betrayed and so it was good in hindsight that Fuzzy did not inform Mccoy about their plan, otherwise their attack might have been disrupted.

Ryumon is surprised about the existence of Fuzzy’s planned attack on the Heroes Association and was a bit offended that Fuzzy only told A but not him but Fuzzy explains that he and A have a closer relationship.

A vouches for Ryumon, saying his scent of blood shows that he is as bad as the other Neo Heroes.

Ryumon asks exactly what the Neo-Heroes’ plan really is.

A explains that in simple terms, the grand plan of the Neo-Heroes is to demolish civilization in order to rebuild it.

In the new world order, humanity will be controlled through body modifications and governed under Neo’s complete surveillance.

This would also allow the Neo leaders absolute free movement to do as they please.

A is a nasty serial killer, so it makes sense why he is trusted with this plan.

Hearing all of this, Ryumon suddenly points a gun at Fuzzy’s head, declaring his intent to be a real hero to stop them.

Everyone except Fuzzy was surprised by this, especially Mccoy.

However, Fuzzy says that the order of precedence has changed and asks A to free Mccoy, since there is nowhere to run and he wants to know why Ryumon betrayed them.

As Ryumon tells Mccoy to run, Fuzzy spins around and reveals his sharp, Scissorhands-like arms and full cyborg form.

A asks Fuzzy if he can capture Ryumon for an extra fee and Fuzzy agrees to even pay double the contract fee.

A remarks that in the new world, he can kill as he pleases but wonders if banknotes will still be valuable, especially since he will be one of its rulers.

Before fighting, A asks what caused Ryumon to change but Ryumon says he and the Ryumon gang want to turn over a new leaf, hence his initial reason for joining the Neo-Heroes.

A chides Ryumon for his strange logic as it is strange for him to arrogantly and proudly think that he and his gang of thugs should view themselves as heroes after all the trouble they cause the world and they should instead see the nightmares of the people they killed.

Ryumon claims he has never harmed any civilian, even though A sees him as a hypocrite.

A notes that if both of them wore battle suits, the former will clearly come out on top.

Ryumon rejects the battle suits, saying they will control his mind.

As Ryumon rips off his clothing, he reveals his dragon tattoo around his body (with a silly face in the middle of his chest) and how he admired the savior from picture books, manga heroes, policemen from dramas, peacemaking world leaders and hardworking members of society.

Ryumon also quotes Metal Bat, saying that if they relied on battle suits, their bodies will go dull and so in that spirit, he fights with his bare body.

A is surprised by the silly rabbit face in the middle of Ryumon’s dragon tattoo but Ryumon says it is a dragon based on designs he saw from kids in the neighborhood.

Wow, he really is a manchild.

A reveals his own battle suit, remarking that Ryumon has never faced a real killer before.

As Mccoy runs, he thinks about how Ryumon does not stand a chance against A and recalls how Darkshine disappeared, meaning he has no other Neo Heroes Association members left to trust.

Mccoy decides to break Metal Bat out and, while holding the latter’s metal bat, tells him that the Neo Heroes are indeed corrupt and Fuzzy may not even be human to begin with.

Before he could reach Metal Bat’s cell, Mccoy loses the metal bat to cyborgs, Kokou and Mars Leo, with Elimin and Destro behind them.

Elimin takes the bat and throws it away.

Before they could kill Mccoy, the door bangs constantly as Metal Bat tries to break out but Elimin remarks that the door is made of high-density shape nanometal.

Suddenly, the door bursts open and Metal Bat comes out.

Elimin reminds Metal Bat that

Elimin and Destro are surprised that Metal Bat has subordinates as that was not on his data but Metal Bat reveals that B Class Hero Wooden Plank and C Class Hero Iron Pipe are not remarkable in the Heroes Association and just decided to work under Metal Bat on their own volition, meaning Metal Bat did not bother to bring that up.

Elimin remarks that the two must have died but we later learn that the Ryumon Gang had busted them out previously and they are also with Zenko, Metal Bat’s sister, who was under Neo custody.

Destro asks if he could kill Metal Bat, to which Elimin is fine with even if the damage to his body will be too much to make into a cyborg.

But when Kokou and Mars Leo charge, Metal Bat immediately puts them down, with Elimin remarking that the data on Metal Bat is correct: he gets stronger the more injuries he sustains and is cornered but Destro says that Metal Bat is just a rookie who has not maximized his potential.

Suddenly, Metal Bat makes a practice swing that destroys Destro’s nose.

Elimin notes that Metal Bat’s practice swings surpass the speed of sound and although they can be tracked, every blow deals too much damage.

Metal Bat has limitless potential, so Elimin and Destro decide to take him on together.

Elimin declares that there will be a string of S-Rank Hero deaths, with Metal Bat being the first.

Back with A vs Ryumon, Ryumon is battered as A explains how he has researched many techniques to find which body parts to press and pull to break the human body, akin to filleting a fish or disassembling an appliance.

Ryumon’s Rampaged Violence against A’s Structured Violence

A intends to test his ability to kill people with everyday items.

He has done it with chopsticks, clothespins, plastic bottles, copy paper, skincare lotion and so on.

This time, A tries to finish Ryumon off with a simple tissue.

Suddenly, Ryumon presses on A’s face with his broken arm, in the spirit of what A is pursuing, says A’s unerstanding of “rampaging violence” is shallow and flaunts his victory over a logic-obsessed idiot.

Suddenly, A activates his battle suit.

Ryumon warns A that activating the battle suit means losing his humanity (the ability to be kind to animals or kids), thus A will not be a hero.

A scoffs at Ryumon’s naivete, surprised that Ryumon lived his life without knowing that human nature’s inherent evil and declares that he will surely enjoy torturing Ryumon to his fullest.

However, Ryumon shows no fear in the face of a nihilistic monster like A, saying that he believes he is doing the right thing.

The chapter ends with Fuzzy sensing an unexpected thought development “human error”.

Is he referring to A, Ryumon, the cyborgs fighting Metal Bat or Fuzzy himself?

The One Punch Man manga is currently redrawing the entire Ninja Arc for the third time and there are two arcs that have yet to be adapted, meaning over 30 Webcomic chapters have not been made into manga chapters.