Shanks’ Evil Twin is Looking for Loki! One Piece Chapter 1135 Early Spoilers!
Shanks’ Holy Knight twin is about to face off against Loki. How will this Shanks’ presence affect Luffy?

In the previous One Piece chapter, we learn more about the Owl Library, the pacifism of some Giants, and end on the sudden appearance of what appears to be Shanks and his female partner to end One Piece in 2024.
This will be the first One Piece chapter of 2025.
Chapter 1135 is titled, “Cups of Friendship”.
After basically a whole month, we return to the cover story “Ogre Child Yamato’s Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage”, now into Volume 21, where we see Otama freed from Holdem’s clutches thanks to Yamato’s intervention.
I bet that story has now ended.
We learn the true source of the growing power, the giant Owl Biblo ate the “Iku Iku no Mi” a Paramecia Devil Fruit that lets him transform objects into giant size.
This is a canon version of the Moa Moa no Mi (More-More Fruit) eaten by Byrnndi World from the non-canon One Piece: 3D2Y special.
While the non-canon fruit multiplies the size and speed of an object, the Iku Iku no Mi, so far, only has one specific application: growing the size of any object, rather than also multiplying their speed.
This is basically an externalized version of Sanjuan Wolf (a Giant) and his Deka Deka no Mi (English version: Huge-Huge Fruit) that increases the user’s mass.
Meanwhile, we see Colon arrive at Walrus School and he gets picked on by the Giant kids there because they think he is rough and hostile.
Colon, in turn, hates them because he thinks they are a bunch of nuisances.
Colon is half-Giant, half-human: his mother is the school biology teacher and former Giant warrior Ripley and his father is a human pirate who’s said to be as strong as a giant warrior.
Perhaps Colon’s parents fought at some point when they first met and then fell in love right after.
Robin, Franky, Brook and Jinbe get their Viking clothes like the other Straw Hat members.
Franky wants to see the legendary Adam Tree and Saul explains that some Adam Trees grow in different parts of the world, but the one in Elbaph is the oldest.
Franky might have gotten his Adam Tree wood from a different one and we do not know how many Trees are left.
Inside the village castle, the man that resembles Shanks and the woman with him see 2 Giant guards and the woman tells them that the pair are looking for Loki.
Since the Giants refuse to answer her, the woman shoots something at one of the Giant guardians that makes him fall and scream in agony.
Could this be a Devil Fruit ability or a new application of Haki?
Possibly even yet another system accessible only to the Holy Knights and the Five Elders, powers connected to Imu.
This is enough confirmation that the Shanks here is not the real one.
This “Shanks” seems to have no dialogue but he has already spoken in Chapter 907: “The Empty Throne Room”, which does signify that the man is Shanks’ twin brother.
We also have no indication if this figure has his left arm, so we might see if that comes to play later in the story, especially as now this Shanks, not the Shanks we have always known, is heading towards Luffy.
Later, we cut back to the party in Western Village, where Dorry and Brogy share Cups of Friendship with the Straw Hat crew to express the Giants’ gratitude for all they did in the past for the Giants, from bringing back Dorry and Brogy from their duel to saving Kashii and Oimo from Enies Lobby.
Although not necessarily the same gesture as the brotherhood sake cups shared between Luffy, Sabo, and Ace, or the ones by the Straw Hat Grand Fleet to become Luffy’s sons or subordinates, this gesture does signify the tight bond the Giants will share with Luffy, maybe even being similar to the relationship shared with Shanks.
The chapter ends with Jarul, the last living elder from Big Mom’s past, arriving to the party but with a massive stock sticking on his head.
Luffy is shocked and calls for the old man to notice the massive sword on him.
There will be NO BREAK after this chapter.
One Piece Chapter 1136 will be released on January 13, 2024