Rest in Hell, Jaygarcia Saturn! ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1125 FULL SPOILERS
This might be the most gruesome death in all of One Piece

Previously, we saw Kizaru mourning the loss of Dr. Vegapunk, who he killed for the sake of Saturn’s mission. We also left off with Lilith being the last Vegapunk left.
Or is she…?
Here are the full chapter spoilers courtesy of Pewpiece
Chapter 1125 is titled, “How to Define Death”
The title is taken from the line from one of the Vegapunks from Chapter 1123, page 11.
The cover story continues with Ogre Child Yamato’s Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage, Vol. 13, with the caption: “Yamato arrives at the rebuilt Oden’s Castle and found that the carpenter Minatomo is missing.”
This chapter has a total of 17 pages.
The chapter begins on Egghead Island, with the Marines checking on the Seraphims being recharged before they are returned to Marine ships, alongside Lucci and Kaku.
Lucci tells the other Cipher Pol agents that he killed Stussy but there is no reaction to his face while Kaku’s face is shadowed and hidden from view.
To note, Kizaru is not among the Marines present in the chapter.
We last saw Stussy in Chapter 1119, where Kaku rescues her as the Labophase was crumbling and tells her to leave before Lucci comes to kill her.
We cut to Saturn, who remembers the giant robot Emeth from 200 years ago as he takes responsibility for Emeth and ordered a group of scientists in Mary Geoise to keep the Giant for further study.
Saturn is such a fitting main antagonist for Egghead Island.
Although York is the embodiment of Greed, Saturn is arguably even greedier and more tied to that theme for the arc. After all, it is Saturn’s greed that led to his greatest crime, the experimentation of Jewelry Bonney and her mother Ginny, and ironically his greatest failure, the liberation of the Iron Giant.
Because he reversed the orders to destroy Emeth, which likely from his fellow Elders as a collective and by Imu’s initiative, Saturn was able to let Vegapunk use the robot to spread the broadcast and thus undermine the legitimacy of the World Government he spent more than two centuries serving faithfully.
Yes, this further confirms that the Gorosei are indeed ageless and possess eternal life!
As early as the Enies Lobby Arc, the Gorosei were revealed to have existed as far back as 22 years ago during the Ohara Incident.
Although they were covered in shadowy silhouettes, the anime makes it clear that these are the same Gorosei that first appeared in the earlier Jaya Arc in Chapter 233 “The World’s Greatest Power”, where they discussed the fall of Crocodile and Shanks’ attempt to contact Whitebeard.
Through the Egghead Island Arc, we see that the Gorosei have never aged even during the events of the God Valley Incident 38 years ago and it also explains why they are immune to Bonney’s Toshi Toshi no Mi that would normally manipulate someone’s age.
During his meeting with the 9 Vice Admirals, Saturn informs them that they have everything they came for: the “Power Plant”, “York”, and “Punk Records”.
However, this does not excuse the “great failure” of the Buster Call, as the Straw Hats are still roaming free.
The Vice Admirals apologize and say that they will go to Elbaf immediately to catch the Straw Hats.
Saturn calls the move unnecessary and reflects on how the greatest failure of this mission was in letting Vegapunk’s message be broadcast worldwide.
Speaking as a soldier of the World Government, Doberman asks if their efforts to stop Vegapunk are a failure, then it implies that what Vegapunk is saying is true.
Without saying a word, Saturn points at Doberman and blows his head off
That is some foreshadowing.
This move is similar to what Saturn did to a Marine soldier in Chapter 1094, albeit in his Devil Fruit form.
The other Vice Admirals panic and call for the medical team to wake up but it is too late.
Doberman’s line of questioning is similar to how Fujitora told Akainu about the World Government’s accountability in letting Doflamingo rule Dressrosa as a tyrant.
His quote “If we lose credibility just by admitting fault, then we didn’t have any in the first place!” remains relevant as more Marines begin to question the ways of the World Government.
Now the Vice Admirals see the price of questioning the authority of the Gorosei.
Justice is no longer the priority of the Government.
We head next to the Labophase, where York witnesses the Cloud Plant still being in operation. York fails to stop the Clouds from taking Punk Records up and away from the surface of Egghead Island.
In Mary Geoise, the food shortage from Sabo’s attack in has caused the Celestial Dragons to fall into a state of panic.
In Pangaea Castle, Figarland Garling arrives in an elegant suit similar to the Five Elders and walks towards the Room of Authority.
Readers have noticed that Garling is the only Celestial Dragon outside the Five Elders to not wear a bubble helmet when outside Mary Geoise and he seems to be wearing the business suits more associated with the Five Elders.
Garling enters the Room, having a rather gruff attitude, saying that he came because he received an “order”, implying he has long known about Imu just like the Elders do.
Garling is noticeably more informal around the Five Elders, which offends both Nusjuro and Warcury.
Warcury tells Garling to watch his tone.
Garling claims that he will take direct command over the Vegapunk “York” and assume the position of “Warrior God of Science and Defense”.
The other Elders are shocked by this news.
Figarland Garling is now the new member of the Five Elders, replacing Saturn.
In Chapter 1121: “The Upheavel of the Era” , Garling was featured as among the players who would compete for the One Piece, alongside his lord Imu, Luffy, Shanks, Akainu, Dragon, Buggy, Blackbeard, Sabo, Koby, Kuzan, and a mysterious silhouetted swordsman.
Now, all the known players have confirmed their participation in the war to come.
Garling talks to his “fellow Stars” casually, saying that the world may be in turmoil but together, they can make the world a better place.
Back on Egghead Island, Saturn falls on the ground, crying out in pain as he is covered in black flames and lightning.
Saturn is shocked by this punishment as he mentally cries out for Imu.
All the Vice Admirals look in horror as Saturn rapidly ages and his body wrinkle up like a mummy.
Saturn hears Imu in his head, asking him why he allowed “Joy Boy” to escape.
Saturn begs Imu to show mercy as Joy Boy’s power is beyond his comprehension.
A huge explosion of black flames and lightning bursts forth.
When the flames die down, only Saturn’s skeleton remains on the floor.
Back at Punk Records, which is now in the sky over the sea, we see Shaka, Edison, Pythagoras and Atlas are still alive, discussing “York” and “Punk Records”
Pythagoras warns that brain waves will continue to connect Punk Records to anywhere in the world, meaning York could still access Vegapunk’s brain.
Edison predicted this but suggests not to destroy the brain and instead protect it until humanity can figure out how to make the most of Vegapunk’s brain.
Shaka notes that since York shot them, the Satellites failed to take the Laboratory alongside Punk Records.
Without any materials, the Vegapunks cannot invent anything, much to Pythagoras’ worries.
Edison points to a friend that will help them.
Inside the “Egg Dome”, there is a long corridor full of replacement bodies and body parts for the Vegapunk Satellites.
With thes replacement body parts, the Vegapunks rebuild a new body, combining Edison’s head with Shaka’s body, Atlas’ left arm and Pythagoras’ right arm.
As it turns out, all four supposedly dead Vegapunk Satellites are talking inside the same brain.
However, the original, Stella, is not heard talking, meaning he has truly passed on.
Edison remarks how the body is now complete.
Atlas thinks the new body looks weird while Shaka brags about his body’s more normal proportion.
Atlas suggests that they throw away all the York parts, which the assembly of Vegapunks wholeheartedly agrees with.
Edison contacts this friend he mentioned earlier, which turns out to be Haredas, Nami’s tutor from Weatheria.
For those who may not remember, Weatheria is an artificial sky island and its populace of old men resembling wizards have passed on to Nami their talent in weather manipulation.
Haredas is surprised to hear that Vegapunk is still alive.
The last two pages of the chapter take place in Kamabakka Kingdom, the new headquarters for the Revolutionary Army.
Koala summarizes Vegapunk’s broadcast to Dragon and the commanders of the Revolutionary Army.
Ivankov now understands why the bridges at Tequila Wolf continue to be built for over 700 years.
The World Government had commanded slaves to continue construction of the massive bridges in preparation for the sinking of the world.
While Dragon respects Vegapunk’s wishes for world peace, he believes that it is high time for a war to secure the remaining safe places, otherwise the citizens of the world will be fighting for scraps as the world heads into a watery oblivion.
There will be NO BREAK next week.