The End of the Shin Flashback, the Start of the Prison Break! Sakamoto Days Chapter 203 Spoilers!!
As Shin, Heisuke and Sakamoto reunite, the prison riots continue and someone, maybe Order, is coming to make things worse.

In the previous Sakamoto Days chapter, Shin and Sakamoto rescue the cruise passengers but the ship explodes, with Ando still in it.
Sakamoto Days Chapter 203 is titled, “Revival”
This chapter has 19 pages.
Sakamoto Days has the Lead Color Page in Weekly Shonen Jump Issue 14, showing the Order.
Editor’s note: “The past of Shin and Sakamoto, the two who saved the ship, has…”
Now we end the Shin flashback after 8 chapters since Chapter 195: “I Know”.
The chapter begins in the aftermath of the ship crash where Sakamoto reports to Nagumo (who is with Shishiba on a car) about Ando’s death, which Nagumo commends him for.
Sakamoto makes a request to stay in the area for another year, which surprises Nagumo before cutting the conversation off as Sakamoto commends Shin for saving the passengers with his guidance.
However, Shin was focused on Ando’s promise to not die until he returned as he already knew that Ando was lying as he neared death anyway.
Shin was saddened that he missed the chance to go back to where Ando was, to talk more with him, even as the ship was about to blow up.
As Shin mourned the loss of his father, Sakamoto pats him on the shoulder, which brings us back to the present as Sakamoto now says that Shin has always been a good person for putting others first.
Shin still feels guilty since he did try to kill Tenkyu but Sakamoto reminds him that he himself has done bad things and that there is no such thing as a completely good person.
Even still, Shin is a good person at heart and that is what he and the Sakamoto Family love about him.
Shin thinks of how Sakamoto has always been like this, a man whose heart and actions are always in sync, never once a hypocrite or liar.
Because of Sakamoto’s honest nature, he has been able to push forward in spite of his doubts.
Shin apologizes to Sakamoto but then Shin envisions Sakamoto killing him in his mind, with Sakamoto saying that he got carried away when Shin was not showing enough enthusiasm.
The gag is back!
The two head back to Heisuke and Atari as Torres confronts them.
Heisuke is beaten up, with Atari surprised by how much Heisuke endured.
It seems that ten minutes has passed since their bet in Chapter 195 to test if Heisuke can hold against Torres for that long.
Torres asks for the fortune teller but Heisuke refuses, saying that his friend Sakamoto entrusted her to him and he would rather die than give up.
As Torres prepares to kill Heisuke, Atari stands between them as she says that Torres’ chances of winning have dropped and that she can see his bad luck.
Before things escalate, Shin appears behind Torres and commands him to “Stop”, allowing Sakamoto to land a blow on Torres.
As they briefly reunite, Shin tells Heisuke they should break out of the prison but Heisuke laughs.
Suddenly, a shot bursts through the pipes as Torres emerges and takes Hoshi by the throat.
Hoshi attempts to fire back with her gun but Torres disarms her immediately.
Confident in never missing with Shin and Sakamoto near him, Heisuke takes out his rifle and attempts to graze Torres’ hand with his bullet but instead, Torres was able to avoid the shot by hitting the safety lock.
But of course, Heisuke’s bullet ricochets, which buys Sakamoto, Shin, Heisuke, and Atari time to escape but Torres is sure they will not escape.
Back in the first floor of the JAA Prison, Joe Shackles, the head guard of B1 that first appeared in Chapter 182: “A Peaceful Day”, holds Boiled back as the latter wants to go after Sakamoto for just passing by him earlier without even sparing Boiled a glance.
Suddenly, Shin kicks some prisoners as he and the others emerge from the elevator.
Shin relishes the fresh air, although Joe reminds him that they are still in prison.
Amidst the rioting, someone heads for the Prison.
Perhaps someone from Order, judging from the attire.
Editor’s Note: “A mass breakout from the assassins’ prison! A heated battle is about to unfold!!”
Sakamoto Days Chapter 204 will be released on March 10, 2025.