Samura Spares Chihiro. Kagurabachi Chapter 59 Spoilers!
Are we entering a new arc or is this where we see more Enchanted Wielders face death before Samura’s blade.

In the previous Kagurabachi chapter, we see Samura’s treason as he cuts down Uruha to prevent a “greater evil” that comes from the existence of the Enchanted Blades.
Last week, we saw the first side story of Kagurahachi, which takes place before the start of the present story, where Sojo looks for a good sauna experience on the day he is about to claim Cloud Gorger.
Kagurabachi gets the Weekly Shonen Jump cover, showing some slightly modified outfits for the Kagurabachi main cast: Chihiro, Hiyuki, and Hakuri
In the center is Chihiro sitting on a coach, wearing black gloves and a similar long coat to One Piece’s Trafalgar Law.
Hakuri also wears a yellow coat with what appears to be a bulletproof vest.
Hiyuki wears a shorter sleeved black outfit with bandages unfurling on her right wrist.
Kagurabachi Chapter 59 is titled, “Dark Turn of Events”
This chapter has 21 pages, including the color page.
The color page features Chihiro and the three members of the Makizumi squad sitting on the roof of the Temple of Senketsu before a full moon.
The caption says: “A tough journey forced to be left behind…”
Editor’s note: “Standing in the front of a disastrous scenery.. “
The chapter begins with Chihiro looking in shock at the scene before him.
Uruha is dead.
Samura notes that Hakuri is still unharmed.
Chihiro is still reeling from the bloodied body of Uruha that Samura has yet to acknowledge.
This breaks Chihiro as he sees flashbacks to the time he asked Samura if the Sword Saint is someone that should be protected and of Hiruhiko revealing Samura’s treachery in Chapter 57: “Collapse”.
Chihiro flashes back to the assassination of his father Kunishige as he frantically asks Samura why Samura let the Hishaku that murdered his father have an Enchanted Blade
Samura casually remarks that Chihiro has chosen revenge and knows that Chihiro has the 7th Enchanted Blade Enten but says “let me handle the rest, you lay down that sword”, as if telling Samura that he will kill the other Wielders but not Chihiro as long as the latter chooses to put down his Enchanted Blade.
Chihiro chooses to attack Samura but in one page, we see Samura cut Chihiro down.
Shiba arrives after a rather prolonged absence from the present story.
Running to Chihiro’s side, Shiba is shocked that Uruha and Chihiro have both fallen.
Samura tells Shiba that the Hishaku “know about their sins”.
Samura continues being vague about the nature of these sins and how the Hishaku intend to bring the country to ruin by revealing this truth but that unlike the Hishaku, Samura will respect Shiba’s wish not to tell Chihiro the truth.
Chihiro closes his eyes.
Two hours pass.
Enchanted Blade Wielders Uruha Youji and Rokuhira Chihiro: Both confirmed dead.
We cut to the Hishaku having a meeting as Hiruhiko is about to have his arms reattached.
Hiruhiko casually reports about Chihiro disappearing “just when we were about to get to the good part”, which Okay-jeanist, the member introduced in Chapter 54: “Friendship”, remarked with frustration how losing his arms was “getting to the good part”
Yura appears, telling Hiruhiko that he feels sorry for him. Whether he is referring to Hiruhiko losing his fun or his arms is hard to say.
Hiruhiko expresses delight in Chihiro’s strength but complains about why Yura would not let him use the Kumeyuri.
As it turns out, it seems that Hiruhiko stole the Kumeyuri from the Hishaku hideout back in Chapter, using his origami butterflies to carry them away steathily.
Yura reveals that a powerful swordsman from the Seitei War is coming to claim Kumeyuri.
Interestingly, the bonus story was last week was about Sojo claiming Cloud Gorger, indicating that the Hishaku actually choose the worthy or appropriate wielders for the Enchanted Blades.
Then we see the name of this person: Owl.
Black feathers fall that night as Yura expresses how their freedom to move has been held back for too long.
Samura appears in the hideout, asking about the plan today since the Hishaku have just taken more innocent life again.
Here we learn that Yura’s trump card really was Samura and that Yura had no intent of actually using Samura, and that some in the Hishaku refuse to work with an outsider like Samura.
Okay-jeanist thinks back to the time after Kunishige’s murder, when Yura visited Samura’s residence to strike a deal with him.
Samura agrees to cooperate with the Hishaku’s plan to kill all the Lifelong Contractors of the Enchanted Blades in exchange for the following information that Samura wanted:
- The personal information of all ten members of the Hishaku organization
- The personal information of the informant within the Kamunabi who leaked Rokuhira’s whereabouts
- Location of the Enchanted Blades.
Yura is impressed that Samura even managed to eliminate Chihiro and remarks about Samura’s thought process
“Ones who hunger for something while wielding the Enchanted Blade need to be punished..”
Don’t the Hishaku qualify in this regard?
Hiruhiko expresses anger at Samura killing Chihiro since he wanted to do it instead to become friends with him.
Hiruhiko, funnily enough, swears to avenge Chihiro and kill Samura.
Samura calls Hiruhiko a “juvenile Kumeyuri wielder.”
Hiruhiko sniffs around, wondering if the sword left any scent on him.
Samura expresses blatantly that after the deal is done, he will kill the Hishaku.
Right in front of their salad.
Okay-Jeanist remarks on the risk of this deal: while they have an easier time killing the Enchanted Blade wielders, they will inevitably face someone as powerful as Samura.
This makes Samura their greatest enemy.
Samura warns Hiruhiko not to wield Kumeyori as he is able to sense the Enchanted Blade being used.
Samura insists that he will kill all the Wielders alone while the Hishaku provide information to prevent further needless bloodshed.
Yura says that Shiba has warned the Kamunabi and emptied the Sansous, so the remaining Wielders are now directly protected by the Kamunabi, whose fortress’ defense have been improved.
Yura says he will need a week to figure out the full situation.
He disappears, leaving only a few crow feathers behind.
Okay-Jeanist : Can we really compete against that?
Samura vanishes, leaving some crow feathers behind from the teleportation.
Okay-Jeanist wonders if they can compete with that.
Well, we have seen four of the Hishaku in action so far but the remaining six have yet to move on their own.
The chapter ends with Chihiro waking up to the hospital bed while remembering Samura’s words of not letting Chihiro come over to the Hishaku’s side.
Editor’s note: Thought to be dead, but in reality..?
Apparently, the next arc will begin soon or a new stage of the current Sword Bearer Assassination Arc.
In one week, Samura intends to kill the remaining Enchanted Blade wielders.
With Uruha and Sojo gone, that leaves four more, not including the supposedly-dead Chihiro.
Kagurabachi Chapter 60 will be released on December 8, 2024.