Shin Controls Tenkyu! Sakamoto Days Chapter 187 Spoilers!!
By pretending to be the fortune teller, Shin keeps himself and Heisuke safe from Tenkyu, who is after Sakamoto and his allies.

In the previous Sakamoto Days chapter, Atari the fortune-teller fends off an assassination attempt as she makes an escape.
Day 187 is titled “All or Nothing”
This chapter has 19 pages.
We begin with Tenkyu introducing himself to Shin and Heisuke like in Chapter 185.
Shin recalls hearing Tenkyu’s name before.
Heisuke remarks that he did not have to kill those men but Tenkyu defends himself, saying that if he did nothing, they would have killed him.
Tenkyu hands Heisuke a gun from one of the bodies since he and Shin are unarmed.
Tenkyu continues to follow the boys as he exclaims about how the two are here for training.
Shin tells Heisuke not to provoke Tenkyu but is bothered about where he heard the name from before.
Now comes the confirmation as Tenkyu asks about Taro Sakomoto as he has been thinking about killing Sakamoto and his friends…for some reason, he says.
Meanwhile, in X’s Organization, Kumamoni tells Kei that Tenkyu is in JAA Prison but is unsure of his goal and wonders if Kei is angry at Tenkyu.
Kei notes that Tenkyu is fundamentally different from them.
Because unlike the other Al-Kamar Orphanage’s subjects, who failed at becoming emotionless killing machines, Tenkyu is the successful result.
Shin asks Tenkyu why he is after the infamous assassin Sakamoto and Tenkyu explains that he is doing it to win the good graces of his old friends, who are definitely Kei Uzuki’s group, X’s Organization.
Tenkyu also knows of Sakamoto’s two proteges, an esper and a sniper but fortunately Tenkyu says he is too dumb to gather intel, hence why he is looking for a fortune teller too.
Tenkyu does not realize he has the two he mentioned with him and Shin is surprised to find a member of X’s Organization in JAA Prison.
Shin knows it is a bad idea to bring Tenkyu to the fortune teller as she would out Shin and Heisuke’s identities as Sakamoto’s allies.
Suddenly a heat ray appears to fire across the corridors.
More beams then come and they attempt to dodge them but one beam comes really close to Shin.
Heisuke fires two bullets around Shin to give Shin the space to dodge.
However, the path to the back door is blocked by a grid of lasers so Shin, applying his esper powers, asks Tenkyu if he can shoot through the small window of the back door.
With the arrow, Tenkyu not only breaks the window but also kills the perpetrator of the laser trap, Laser Killer Yamamoto, thus shutting off the lasers.
However, Tenkyu wonders how Shin knew where the perpetrator was located.
Shin answers, saying that he saw the enemy’s shadow from afar but Tenkyu says Shin is lying since even his one eye cannot see the small silhouette and Tenkyu noticed Shin was doing something in battle in Chapter 185.
Heisuke and Shin are on the spot, so Shin pretends to be the fortune teller Tenkyu was looking for and that he just wanted to escape.
This makes Tenkyu act embarrassed since he was actually “super lucky” to find the fortune teller.
Using this ruse, Shin decides to manipulate Tenkyu and so he makes a fortune, saying that Tenkyu can make up with X’s Organization by following one condition: not kill people.
Yeah, pretty sure this will not work out.
Chapter 188 will be released on November 3, 2024.