Szayelaporro Returns! What to Expect in Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War Episode 36
Mayuri’s lieutenant takes the spotlight for this episode, building upon a surprising emotional layer for the otherwise mad scientist of Bleach

Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War Episode 36 is titled, “Baby, Hold Your Hand 2 (Never Ending My Dream”)
The episode will adapt the remainder of Chapter 640: “Baby, Hold Your Hand 3
Preview Images
🚨BLEACH TYBW #36 Staff & Preview:
Script: Masaki Hiramatsu
Storyboard: Susumu Nishizawa
Director: Young Hoon Jung
Animation Directors: Mika Ookubo, Leo Kawamoto, Natsuko Suzuki
Chief Animation Director: Kiyoshi Komatsubara#BLEACH #BLEACH_anime #Øرق_بليتش— #BLEACH | عبدالعزيز العتيبي (@3z_0q0q) December 3, 2024
The previews are a bit more diverse this time.
First, we spot Nemu staring in shock at Pernida due to the failure of Mayuri’s Nerve-Freezing Agent.
We see Mayuri in the scene where he tries to stop Nemu from endangering herself in the battle, showing a hint of Mayuri’s actual affection for Nemu as his daughter.
The third image shows Pernida revealing the Quincy Bow made through its fingers.
We also have a younger Akon and child Nemu from the flashback in Chapter 642: “Baby, Hold Your Hand 5 [Eyes are Open]”, where Nemu asks Akon why Mayuri constantly refers to her as “Nemu” instead of “Nemuri Number 7”.
Akon’s face here expresses Mayuri’s pride in Nemu as the fulfillment of his dream.
Screenplay :Masaki Hiramatsu
Storyboard : Susumu Nishizawa
Direction: Jung Young-Hun
Animation Director: Mika Okubo , Leo Kawamoto , Natsuko Suzuki
Chief Animation Director: Sei Komatsubara
Action and Effects Animation Director:Â Masaaki Endou, Hiroyuki Horiuchi
Young-Hun was the director of Episode 29: “The Dark Arm”, which had a rather moving anime-original flashback surrounding Jushiro Ukitake’s past. This is a fitting choice to direct an episode showing the hidden sentimentality of the wicked Mayuri Kurotsuchi towards his daughter Nemu.
Susumu Nishizawa is a veteran with experience stretching as far back as City Hunter (1987) and was the storyboarder of the Case Closed: The Million-dollar Pentagram movie.
The following key animators are featured:
Wataru Ami
Hiromi Yoshinuma
Kahoru Hirata
Nigel Tuvera
Shiori Sekiguchi
Yuuichirou Yamada
Mika Saitou
Nobuhiro Watanabe
Youjirou Sakai
Kumiko Kasuga
M Ali
Kiyomu Fukuda
Hirokimi Shiratori
Takenori Tsukuma
Hyeon-Gyong Oh
Sachiko Shouji
Keiko Shimizu
Dian Zhong
Chie Kinoshita
Haruo Miyagawa
Ai Mochida
What to Expect
The episode will be a mix of impressive sakuga and surprising moments of emotion, especially with some good use of Shiro Sagisu’s soundtrack.
There are confirmed improvements for the CGI model for Pernida, almost like it does not look like CGI
Saw the leaks and this ep looking like a complete sakuga fest with a sprinkle of backstory ofc. Also Pernida didn’t felt like CGI anymore.
— Aizen (@__Aizensama__) December 5, 2024
Will this match the quality of the CGI in shows like Attack on Titan: The Final Season?
Nemu Kurotsuchi Origins
Originally called Nemuri Number 7, Nemu was the 7th Mod Soul created by Mayuri Kurotsuchi in his pursuit of creating life from Konpaku Cells.
Mod Souls like Kon, Jinta, and Ururu were artificial constructs that were essential immortal and ageless but with a set cap on abilities.
Nemu, on the other hand, could grow and age like a Shinigami, which contrasted the previous experiments and this is why she was called Nemu, rather than Nemuri Number 7, in the first place.
We see this origin story in both Chapter 640 and 642, which involves Akon explaining her origins to a much younger Nemu.
Tite Kubo commented on the dubbing of this scene in particular, saying:Â “This week, Akon was great as he became too gentle when acting alongside the child Nemu, leading to multiple retakes.”
Nemu’s Death
The Shiro Sagisu track titled, “Here to Stay- You’re Here to Stay” (featuring Hazel Fernandes, the singer for Number One), which was played will be played and we hear these lyrics during this scene:
Just when you need a shoulder to cry on
Just when you think the sky is falling in
I can remember all that you’re going through
I’ve got the scars to show that they heal
Szayelaporro’s Return
In Chapter 643: “Baby, Hold Your Hand [Waiting for Love]”, Mayuri faces a crisis as Pernida’s fragments kill Nemu.
In his mind, Mayuri sees Szayelaporro chiding him for having an attachment towards that “flesh marionette”, with the vision merging with the reality of a regenerating and growing Pernida fighting Nemu.
Mayuri banishes the vision, which represents his awareness about the guilt and condemnation he is feeling as he finishes off Pernida by removing Nemu’s brain from her remains so that the constantly-regenerating cells from Nemu’s body, which Pernida consumes, begin to destroy the Left Arm of the Soul King.
At the end of the episode, we will see Mayuri sealed in one of his own capsules with the help of Yumichika and Ikkaku, who are grateful that Mayuri saved their captain Kenpachi Zaraki.
With Nemu’s brain close to his chest, Mayuri dozes off into a deep sleep and proudly declares his triumph over his rival, Kisuke Urahara.
In this dream, Mayuri finds himself sinking underwater and sees a bare Nemu coming closer to him, as if for a warm embrace.
To all my devoted followers with very specific interests: yes, the nude Nemu scene is there. Go touch some grass after.
— BBSHero هيرو (@BBSHER0) December 5, 2024
There is also confirmation that this scene remains the same from the manga.
Post-Credits Scene: The Start of Bazz-B vs Jugram Haschwalth
Post credit: Episode end here
— BBSHero هيرو (@BBSHER0) December 4, 2024
The episode will properly conclude with Bazz-B meeting with Haschwalth inside the Wahrwelt castle, beginning their battle that will likely conclude Cour 3.
Post credit
— BBSHero هيرو (@BBSHER0) December 5, 2024
This takes place at the end of Chapter 630: “Twinned Twilight” and will contain some significant anime-only additions that we will have to find out when we see the next episode.
Additionally, we will see Giselle Gewelle and Lillito Lamperd facing off against Yhwach in his throne room.
New content from the anime is that Meninas McAllon and Candice Catnipp will return as zombies.
Candice was the one who tanked Ichigo’s new attack, Getsuga Jujisho but she and Meninas were killed by Yhwach’s Auswahlen.
Giselle brought them and Bambietta to help fight against Yhwach.
Let’s see how that ends.
Next Episode Poem: Nanao Ise
Next episode’s poem will be from Nanao Ise, Shunsui Kyouraku’s lieutenant.
Next episode, we will conclude Shunsui Kyouraku’s fight against Lille Barro.
Yes, the Schutzstaffel leader returns from the dead to continue arrogantly boasting about his divine status.
There is no information on the specific poem but Nanao had no poem from the manga, which once again brings us to another anime-original work.
For the first time in the entire Thousand Year Blood War anime adaptation, an episode will use a title not from any of the manga chapters.
Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War Episode 37 will be titled, “Shadows Gone”.
Rather than “The Theater Suicide”, a new title was selected, likely to avoid issues with the term “suicide” or due to Kyouraku’s Bankai already being used and thereby the title is non-applicable.
Whether Tite Kubo himself chose this title or simply approved of it is uncertain.
What is certain is that this episode will continue where we left in Episode 35: “Don’t Chase a Shadow” with the end of Chapter 649: “The Theater Suicide Scene 4” and will likely continue until Chapter 653: “The Theater Suicide Scene 7” to conclude the battle between Shunsui Kyouraku and Sternritter X Lille Barro.
Source: Twitter