Aizen’s Bankai Reveals His True INSANE Power & Strongest ABILITY: The Complete Story! (BLEACH TYBW)

Credit: ABD
Bleach Thousand Year Blood War reveals the truth about Aizen’s bankai and his true power against Yhwach! He Joins Ichigo in the final battle against the QUINCY King and The Power of Almighty. We Explain Aizen’s Full Story in Bleach since Everything in the story was according to Aizen’s Plan, He wanted to change Soul Society, he wished to become the Soul King to reform it for the better but Ichigo foiled his plans by being the protagonist of a Shounen. We explain what is Aizen’s Bankai and all his abilities with his Zanpakto, including How he helped Ichigo Defeat Yhwach and what happened to him at the end of Bleach Manga.
#bleach #ichigo #yhwach #aizen